Michael Eiselin

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Theological disputation on the Trinity 1602

Michael Eiselin , also Eisele (* 1558 in Schwäbisch Gmünd , † December 16, 1613 in Bermatingen ) was a Jesuit and professor in Ingolstadt and Dillingen .


Eiselin received his academic training from 1574–1584 at the Collegium Germanicum in Rome . On January 4, 1585 he joined the Jesuit order in Rome .

From 1586 he taught at the University of Ingolstadt, in the summer semester of 1588 he was dean of the philosophical faculty. After an interlude in Dillingen, he returned to Ingolstadt in 1590, where he was dean of the theological faculty in 1591 . Eiselin was a professor of scholastic theology and casuistry .

From 1603 to 1607 he also taught scholastic theology in Dillingen. Teaching activities in Munich (1611/1612) and Konstanz (1613) followed. Eiselin died on a trip and was buried in Salem .

His theological and philosophical work in the form of disputations was recognized by Karl Prantl as outstanding in his Ingolstadt university history.


  • Beatrix Schönewald: Michael Eiselin . In: Laetitia Boehm et al. a. (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Part 1 . Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-428-09267-8 , p. 94 with further references.
  • Gerhard Kolb: Gmünder citizen sons in the Jesuit order . In: Gmünder Heimatblätter , No. 26 (1965), here pp. 13-14 (Schönewald unknown).

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