Michaele Hustedt

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Michaele Hustedt (born October 15, 1958 in Hamburg ) is a German politician from the Greens .


Michaele Hustedt was a member of the German Bundestag for three electoral terms from 1994 to 2005 . She was elected via the state list of the Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen party in North Rhine-Westphalia and represented the constituency of Bielefeld .

Hustedt was last Energy Spokesperson of Grünen- faction in the Bundestag. She was a full member of the committees for “Economy and Labor” and “Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety” and a deputy member of the committee for “Economic Cooperation and Development”.

From 1975 she was active in the peace and environmental movement. As a functionary of the Marxist student union Spartakus , she was sent to the German Democratic Republic for a conspiratorial course lasting several months , where she received cadre training at the Wilhelm Pieck youth college of the GDR mass organization Free German Youth .

She has been a member of the Greens since 1990. Hustedt is trained as a chemical-biological-technical assistant and was a teacher at secondary level I and II in chemistry and biology. She also completed a postgraduate degree in environmental protection. She and her ex-husband Uwe Knickrehm have a daughter (Carla Hustedt, founder of Boa Nnipa eV, a development NGO).

She deals with environmental and energy policy as well as with questions of globalization , especially world trade.

Michaele Hustedt, along with the other MPs Hans-Josef Fell ( Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen ), Hermann Scheer and Dietmar Schütz (both SPD ), played a key role in drawing up the first version of the Renewable Energy Sources Act from 2000 .

Today she is an independent consultant and coach. She founded the Institute CPC Berlin with her former colleague Albert Schmidt . She advises and supports associations, companies, parliamentary groups, politicians and ministries in the field of politics / economy and NGOs .

From August 2008 to April 2012 she was on the advisory board of the RWE subsidiary Innogy , which deals with renewable energies. Since 2006 she has moderated the Bioenergy Network, part of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe . Members are environmental associations, development organizations, politicians from all parties, ministries, VKU, renewable energy associations, scientists and various companies (e.g. Lichtblick, Navaro AG, Schmack Biogas, BP, RWE and EnBW). She is the project manager of the “Initiative for Sustainable Raw Material Provision for Material Use” (INRO), which is funded by the BMELV. In 2012 she moderated the round table on the Atdorf pumped storage power plant .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dietrich Duppel (director): Secretly in the GDR - The cadre forge for Western revolutionaries. ZDF documentary about clandestine management training in the GDR for young western cadres. 2014, accessed August 28, 2018 .
  2. Benjamin von Brackel: On into the last battle. EEG: The Renewable Energy Sources Act is nothing less than the future vision of the environmental movement. Now it should be tipped. What its inventors say about it. Friday , October 12, 2012, accessed on October 14, 2017 .
  3. Michaele Hustedt - The mother of the EEG. Interview about the creation of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) in the German Bundestag from 1994 to 2005 (PDF; 0.5 MB). www.sonnenenergie.de, August 19, 2017, accessed on October 14, 2017 .