Mikhail Yefimovich Gubonin

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Mikhail Yefimovich Gubonin ( Russian Михаил Ефимович Губонин * June 24 . Jul / 7. July  1907 greg. In the village Bolshevo in Korolyov ; † 9. October 1971 in Moscow ) was a Russian painter , graphic artist and archivist .


Mikhail Yefimovich Gubonin, son of the rich furrier Efim Semenovich Gubonin from the family of the Grand entrepreneur Pyotr Ionowitsch Gubonin , studied at the Moscow School of Painting painting .

Often Gubonin attended services in Moscow churches, especially in the Sretensky Monastery. He became a close friend of the priest monk Ieronimo (Sakharov), who later became the bishop of Rostov-on-Don . He became hypodeacon of Bishop Pyotr (Rudnew) of Kolomna and was in contact with Bishop Tikhon (Sharanov) of Gomel . Since childhood Gubonin knew the future Patriarch Pimen I , with whom he grew up.

After studying art, Gubonin worked for various publishing houses from 1928. He was arrested on May 15, 1930 and sentenced by a GPU special court to three years' banishment in Central Asia for anti-Soviet propaganda in connection with religious prejudice under Article 58.10 of the RSFSR Criminal Code . During the exile he lived first in Shahrisabz and Termiz and then in Bek-Budi in Uzbekistan . On March 4, 1940, he was rehabilitated.

In 1938 Gubonin married Klawdija Petrovna Mironowa, choirmaster of the choir of Alexander Wasiljewitsch Sveshnikov and church choir singer, first in the Moscow Epiphany Cathedral and then in the Epiphany Cathedral in Jelochowo and in the Patriarchal Choir under the direction of Viktor Stepanowitsch Komarov . Right at the start of the German-Soviet War , Gubonin was drafted into military service on July 22, 1941; after the war he was dismissed as first lieutenant . In 1946 his wife died. Two years later he married his sister-in-law Soja Petrovna Mironova, who looked after his archive after his death.

At the end of 1947 Gubonin was asked to work for the shrine of St. Alexej Biakonts in the Epiphany Cathedral, for which he made drawings for wood carvings in particular. From 1948 he carried out work on the restoration and painting of churches in Moscow, Kuibyshev , Astrakhan and other places. From Patriarch Alexius I personally he received orders for the production of special objects, in particular for the production of the patriarch's bonnet for his enthronement.

1961–1967 Gubonin worked as a graphic designer in the Red October confectionery factory in Moscow. He designed the labels for cocoa, the chocolate golden shield , the chocolates cherry in chocolate , Sadko , now take it! , Red pointed cap and others. He was also the author of the classic label of Soviet sparkling wine .

In the 1960s, Gubonin began collaborating with the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate . He designed the design of the magazine of the Moscow Patriarchate, which was maintained until the 1990s. He compiled many volumes of archival material on Patriarch Tikhon (Bellavin) and the history of the Russian Church, and he continued the work of Pavel Mikhailovich Stroiev , who had listed the bishops and abbots of the Russian Church. Gubonin's work resulted in book publications that appeared long after his death in 1994, 2006 and 2007.

Gubonin found his grave in the Dolgoprudny cemetery .


  • Акты Святейшего Тихона, Патриарха Московского и всея России, позднейшие документы икументы ик свементы ик перементы ик кевементы ик перементы. 1917-1943: Сб. в 2-х частях / Сост. М. Е. Губонин; Редакторы: Протоиерей Владимир Воробьев, Иеромонах Дамаскин (Орловский). - М .: Издательство Православного Свято-Тихоновского Богословского института, 1994. - 1064 с. - 200 000 экз. - ISBN 5-7429-0001-5 . (в пер.)
  • Патриарх Тихон и история русской церковной смуты. - СПб .: СатисЪ, 1994. - 448 с. - 10,000 экз. - ISBN 5-7373-0013-7 . (в пер.)
  • Введение в историю российской иерархии (Краткий исторический обзор вопроса) // Материалы историа по истории ру по историа ру по истории руй историа Статьи и документы. - М .: Православный Свято-Тихоновский Богословский институт. - 2002. - С. 7-34
  • История иерархии Русской Православной Церкви: Комментированные списки иерархов по епископсфидр2 ка.епископскидр2 86 (с приложениями) / Работа начата М. Е. Губониным в 1969—1971 гг. и продолжена в 2004—2006 гг. исследовательской группой в составе: к.и.н. П. Н. Грюнберг (руководитель), к.и.н. Ф. А. Гайда, Е. Н. Грюнберг, И. П. Кирпичёв, Н. А. Кривошеева. - М .: ПСТГУ, 2006. - 928 с. - 1000 экз. - ISBN 5-7429-0143-7 , ISBN 978-5-7429-0143-3 . (в пер.)
  • Современники о патриархе Тихоне: В 2-х томах / Сост. М. Е. Губонин. - М .: ПСТГУ, 2007. - Т. I, II. - 768, 754 с. - (Материалы по новейшей истории Русской Православной Церкви). - 2000 экз. - ISBN 978-5-7429-0301-7 , ISBN 978-5-7429-0303-1 . (в пер.)
  • "Кифа": Очерк жизни и деятельности Патриаршего Местоблюстителя митрополита Крутицкого Петра (Полянского) // Кифа - Патриарший Местоблюститель священномученик Петр, митрополит Крутицкий (1862-1937) / Отв. ред. прот. В. Воробьев. М., 2012.
