Michele De Franchis

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Michele De Franchis (born April 6, 1875 in Palermo , † February 19, 1946 ibid) was an Italian mathematician who dealt with algebraic geometry.

Michele De Franchis

De Franchis studied at the University of Palermo with Giovanni Guccia and Francesco Gerbaldi (whose assistant he was) with a laureate degree in 1896 and taught at the University of Cagliari from 1905 (after winning a competition for a chair in analytical geometry and algebra), from 1906 at the University of Parma , 1909 to 1914 at the University of Catania before he succeeded Guccia as professor in Palermo.

In 1909 he and Giuseppe Bagnera won the Prix Bordin of the French Academy for a joint work on the classification of hyperelliptical surfaces.

He was editor of the Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo and a member of the Accademia dei Lincei and the Academy of Sciences in Palermo.


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