Midde Hamrin

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Midde Hamrin (born April 19, 1957 in Gothenburg ) is a former Swedish long-distance runner .

From the 5000 meter run to the marathon she set many national records, of which the 10,000 meter run (31: 57.15, Helsinki , August 19, 1990), the hour run (16,860 m, Gothenburg , October 23 1994), in the 10 km (32:16, Phoenix, Arizona , March 3, 1984) and 20 km road run (1:08:46, Chicago , July 8, 1984) and in the half marathon (1:10: 46, Gothenburg, May 12, 1984) still exist.

Her best marathon time was 2:33:49 when she won the marathon in Columbus, Ohio , then she won the Stockholm Marathon (1990 and 1991) and the Chicago Marathon in 1991 .

She played basketball in her youth and only switched to long-distance running when she was studying in the United States . As a scholarship holder at Lamar University , she met the athletics coach Andy Senorski, whom she married and with whom she returned to Sweden.

Individual evidence

  1. Archived copy ( Memento of the original from April 3, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.friidrott.se
  2. http://www.arrs.run/NRec.htm

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