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Minchaef in hieroglyphics
R23 xa

Minchaef / Chaefmin
(Min chaef / Chaef Min)
Mn.w ḫˁ = f ( ḫˁ = f Mn.w )
He appears, the god Min

Minchaef (according to another reading Chaefmin ) was a prince of the ancient Egyptian 4th dynasty . He was a son of Pharaoh Cheops , his mother may have been Henutsen . At an unknown time, he held the office of vizier and was thus the highest official after the king. He probably died during the reign of Cheops' successor Radjedef or in the first years of the reign of Chephren .

Minchaef owns the double mastaba G 7430-7440 in the east cemetery of the Great Pyramid of Cheops . Here a sarcophagus of the deceased made of rose granite was found, which is now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo .
