Roman Missal (Apostolic Constitution)

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Roman Missal on the introduction of the missal, which was renewed in accordance with the decision of the Second Vatican Council, is an apostolic constitution of Pope Paul VI. It is dated April 3, 1969; with her the renewed edition of the Latin missal of the Roman rite was arranged and published.


In 1562 the Council of Trent decided to set up a commission whose task it should be to create a uniform missal . This missal (Latin Missal ) was published on July 14, 1570 by Pope Pius V with the apostolic constitution Quo primum . The new missal received the additional name Romanum according to the Roman rite . In 1588, Pope Sixtus V set up the Congregation for Rites to ensure the uniformity of the missal. 1962 appeared at the behest of Pope John XXIII. , a new edition of the Missale Romanum ( Editio typica ), which was supplemented in 1965 and 1967.

Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum

Pope Paul VI after the Second Vatican Council implemented the resolution of the liturgical constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium and ordered a revision of the missal. The apostolic constitution Missale Romanum was on April 3, 1969 by Pope Paul VI. and entered into force on November 30, 1969. Many texts of the Tridentine Missal from 1570 and 1962 can be found in the new version from 1970, some texts have been supplemented, individual texts come from other traditions or have been newly compiled as part of the reform work. In 1975 a second edition of the new missal was published.


  • Wolfgang Fischer-Wollpert, Do you know - Lexicon of religious and ideological questions , Verlag Friedrich Pustet, Regensburg, 3rd, extended edition 1982, ISBN 3-7917-0738-8 .

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