Moabit helps

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Moabit helps e. V.
purpose Support for refugees
Chair: Diana Henniges, Ronja Lange
Establishment date: 2013/2015 ( citizens' initiative / association )
Number of members: 24 (Dec. 2015)
Seat : Berlin

Moabit helps! is a citizens' initiative to support refugees in Berlin-Moabit . The neighborhood network became known nationwide for reporting on the refugee crisis in Germany from 2015 and on grievances at the asylum reception center of the State Office for Health and Social Affairs in Berlin, as well as for a story made up by a volunteer about a dead refugee in Berlin.


The initiative was founded in the summer of 2013 in support of refugees in Moabit in a newly opened shelter and a more established refugee camp lived. According to the initiator Diana Henniges, the experiences in Berlin-Hellersdorf , "where there were massive protests against refugee accommodation , but also a lot of local support for the newcomers", triggered the foundation.

Moabit, which has gained national fame, has been helping through its commitment to the State Office for Health and Social Affairs Berlin (LAGeSo) since summer 2015 as part of the refugee crisis in Germany from 2015 . There, according to Susanne Memarnia in Die Tageszeitung , the humanitarian situation of the waiting refugees had come to a head for months until Moabit helps started its aid mission and thereby also made the public aware of the situation at the central reception facility.

The Moabit helps association was founded in autumn 2015 and entered in the register of associations in January 2016 ( e.V. ).

Diana Henniges was the founder and spokeswoman of Moabit hilft guest on several talk shows (including Anne Will in Das Erste , Maybrit Illner on ZDF ). Moabit helps denounced the situation at the LAGeSo, pointed out alleged failure of the authorities, demanded resignations and warned of possible deaths. The association became known and respected throughout Germany. Some former helpers call Henniges unreasonable, their demeanor "autocratic" and speak of power struggles like in a sect.

At the end of January 2016, the association spread the lie of a volunteer that a young Syrian had died while waiting for days in front of the LaGeSo, and blamed the situation there for the death. Within a short time, the claim had spread via social media, had been picked up by the press and politicians nationwide and had caused a great deal of excitement in Berlin. The club lost a lot of credibility as a result of the events. In the weeks that followed, threats against employees of the association intensified.

Since the beginning of 2016, Moabit Hilft has had a clubhouse on Lehrter Straße , which offers German courses, among other things. According to the company, the offers are visited by more than 50 people every day. In addition, the association still operates a contact point for refugees on the LaGeSo site, where donations are made. The association has 30 members, half of them refugees, and four and a half positions and 20 mini-jobs are financed from the foundation's funds. The association is continuously supported by dozens of volunteers.


The stated goals of Moabit helps are:

  • "To support the refugees in Moabit with material, social and everyday practical help", also to accompany refugees "to doctors and on official visits, to support them in looking for accommodation and to provide help with moving",
  • "To inform the population and to involve them in aid projects in order to reduce prejudices and fears" and
  • the “networking of local institutions with volunteers for refugee aid” along with maintaining the exchange of experience “and cooperation with other regional and supraregional refugee aid institutions”.


  • "We're not going to give up". Interview with Diana Henniges from “Moabit hilft”. In: Rainer Balcerowiak: Fact check Refugee crisis: What else is in store for Germany? Edition Berolina, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-95841-030-5 , p. 75 ff.
  • Katja Kipping : A shift at “Moabit helps” . In: The same: Who fled voluntarily? The responsibility of the West or why our society has to reinvent itself . Westend Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 2016, ISBN 978-3-86489-634-7 (epub).

Web links

Individual evidence

  2. a b Frederik Bombosch: Dispute over refugee aid - new initiative “Die Basis” makes “Moabit helps” competition . In: Berliner Zeitung , December 11, 2015, accessed on July 28, 2016: “Moabit helps was founded in 2013 as a neighborhood network. The association is still being founded. The entry in the register is imminent, says chairwoman Diana Henniges. There are currently 24 members. After internal quarrels, a larger group left in November. "
  3. "We're not going to let up". Interview with Diana Henniges from “Moabit hilft”. In: Rainer Balcerowiak: Fact check Refugee crisis: What else is in store for Germany? edition berolina, 2015.
  4. ^ A b Anne Lena Mösken: "Moabit helps" in Berlin: Should the Lageso helpers clear the field? In: Berliner Zeitung . February 10, 2016, accessed July 27, 2016 .
  5. Susanne Memarnia: refugee chaos when LaGeSo: helpers get help. In: . August 22, 2015, accessed July 27, 2016 .
  6. Frederik Bombosch: Refugee Initiative Berlin - Volunteers from "Moabit helps" reach their limits . November 12, 2015, accessed on July 28, 2016: “In addition to exhaustion and the trouble with the authorities, there are now internal quarrels. Only one and a half months after its founding, the 'Moabit hilft' association, which is supposed to support the volunteers, has already split up. "
  7. ^ District Court of Charlottenburg , file number VR 34664 B, new entries from January 18, 2016, announcement on January 19, 2016.
  8. Citizens' protests against refugee policy - Are they taken seriously enough? ( Memento from October 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In: Anne Will , ARD , broadcast on December 2, 2015 ("Diana Henniges - founder and spokeswoman of 'Moabit helps!'").
  9. Millions on the run - How do we do it? ( Memento from July 28, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) In: Maybrit Illner , ZDF , broadcast on September 18, 2015, accessed on July 29, 2016 ("Diana Henniges, refugee helper, Berlin 'Moabit helps'").
  10. a b Lorenz Vossen: “Moabit helps” on the Lageso - between going and staying. In: Berliner Morgenpost. April 3, 2016, accessed July 27, 2016 .
  11. a b Gereon Asmuth: Allegedly dead refugee in Berlin: Helfer just made up everything. In: January 28, 2016. Retrieved July 27, 2016 .
  12. Ingo Salmen, Bodo Straub, Kai Portmann, Ralf Schönball, Thomas Loy and Sabine Beikler: Fictitious death of a refugee from Lageso: Helpers admit mistakes and feel “betrayed”. In: . January 28, 2016. Retrieved July 27, 2016 .
  13. ^ Threats against "Moabit helps". In: RBB Online. February 4, 2016. Retrieved July 27, 2016 .
  14. Aleksandar Zivanovic: Refugees in Berlin: That is how difficult the work of the “Moabit hilft” association is. In: December 13, 2016, accessed December 13, 2016 .
  15. ^ Thomas Lackmann: Citizens' initiative "Moabit helps". Visiting the militant helpers from the Lageso . In: Der Tagesspiegel , July 29, 2016, accessed on December 13, 2016.
  16. The citizens' initiative “Moabit hilft!” - Who we are Website from Moabit hilft e. V., accessed on August 29, 2018.