Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky

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Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky ( Russian Модест Ильич Чайковский , scientific. Transliteration Modest Il'ič Čajkovskij ; born May 1 . Jul / 13. May  1850 greg. In Alapayevsk , † January 2 jul. / 15. January  1916 greg. In Moscow ) was a Russian playwright, librettist and translator. He and his twin brother Anatol were the younger brothers of the composer Peter Tchaikovsky .


"Ты имел несчастье родиться с душой художника, и тебя постоянно будет тянуть в этот мир высочайших духовных ценностей, но так как вместе с чуткостью артистической натуры ты не одарен никаким талантом - то берегись, ради бога, поддаваться своим влечениям."

"You had the misfortune of being born with the soul of an artist, and you will always be drawn to the world of the highest spiritual values: but since at the same time with the delicacy of an artistic nature you are not gifted with any talent, beware for God's sake to indulge your inclinations. "

- Peter Tchaikovsky in a letter to his brother dated February 1869

If Peter Tchaikovsky was initially hostile to his brother's artistic ambitions, he was later to revise his opinion, and the skepticism was replaced by decisive encouragement.

Although Modest Tchaikovsky studied law, he devoted his entire life to literature and music. He wrote plays, translated Shakespeare's sonnets and wrote librettos for his brother ( The Queen of Spades , Iolanta ), but also for other composers like Nápravník , Koreshchenko , Arensky and Rachmaninov .

In 1876, at the age of 25, he took on the education of an eight-year-old deaf and mute boy (Nikolai Hermanowitsch Konradi) after he had traveled to Lyon specifically to be initiated into the method of the Swiss deaf-mute teacher Jacques Hugentobler . Modest Tchaikovsky taught the boy to speak and write in three languages.

Modest Tchaikovsky felt connected to his famous brother not only through his artistic inclinations, but also through his homosexuality .

When his brother died, Modest Tschaikowski bought his property in Klin and founded the Tchaikovsky Museum there . He wrote the first biography of the great composer: The Life of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky , a three-volume work of almost 1,500 pages, which among other things contains a very extensive correspondence. Shortly after its publication, this biography was translated into German by Paul Juon .


Dramas (selection)

  • Simfonija (Симфония, symphony), 1890.
  • Den 'w Peterburge (День в Петербурге, One day in Petersburg), 1892.
  • Predrassudki (Предрассудки, prejudices), 1893.


  • The life of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky , 1900–1903 (digitized: I , II ). (Available in German as a new edition of the first print from 1900–1903. Čajkovskij-Studien, Vol. 13. Schott, Mainz 2011, ISBN 978-3-7957-0778-1 ).


Translations (into Russian)


  • Alexander Poznansky: Modest Čajkovskij. In his brother's shadow . In: Internationales Čajkovskij Symposium, Tübingen 1993. Report. Schott, Mainz 1995. pp. 233-246. ISBN 379570295X . (Čajkovskij studies; 1).

Web links

  • П. Е. Вайдман (PE Wajdman): Чайковский Модест Ильич. In: / Чайковский: Жизнь и творчество русского композитора. (Russian).
  • Modest Tchaikovsky. In: Tchaikovsky Research. December 26, 2017(English).;

Individual evidence

  1. Quoted from: П. Е. Вайдман (PE Wajdman): Чайковский Модест Ильич. In: Чайковский: Жизнь и творчество русского композитора. Retrieved November 7, 2018 (Russian).
  2. Шекспир Вильям: Сонеты. Перевод М. И. Айковского (1914). In:Классика. October 5, 2017, Retrieved November 7, 2018 (Russian).