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Class : Tapeworms (Cestoda)
Subclass : True tapeworms (Eucestoda)
Order : Cyclophyllidea
Family : Anoplocephalidae
Genre : Monezia
Scientific name
Sonsino , 1895

Monezia is a genus of real tapeworms. Their representatives live parasitically in the small intestine of ruminants , the disease caused by this is called moneiosis or anoplocephalidosis . Mites serveas intermediate hosts .


Tapeworms of the genus Monezia grow up to 6 meters long and 16 mm wide. The front end ( Scolex ) is cubic to spherical and has four suction cups that protrude to the front and have slit-shaped openings.

Each tapeworm link contains genital organs of both sexes ( hermaphroditism ) and genital orifices on both sides. The testes are small and distributed in the parenchyma of the tapeworm limb. The ovaries are lobed. When filled with eggs, the uterus takes up almost the entire space and leads to the regression of the testicles.

The glands ( interproglottial glands ) located between two tapeworm limbs are characteristic of the genus .


Art Final host
M. benedoni (Moniez, 1879) Cattle , sheep , goats , many wild ruminants
M. denticulata (Rudolphi, 1810) Cattle, sheep, yak , goats, camels
M. expansa (Rudolphi, 1805) Cattle, sheep, goats, many wild ruminants


  • Ekkehard Wiesner and Regine Ribbeck: Dictionary of veterinary medicine . Enke, 3rd edition, 1991, ISBN 3-432-28121-8