Mortalium animos

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Mortalium animos is an encyclical of Pope Pius XI. , it is dated January 6, 1928 and has the subtitle: "On promoting the true unity of religion". This encyclical is intended to contribute to the unity of Christians and at the same time warn against the equality of all Christian denominations . It is thus a testimony to the uncompromising return ecumenism which was represented in the Roman Catholic Church before the Second Vatican Council .

About promoting true unity

With this apostolic circular , Pius XI denounced. indifference in matters of faith and relativism . The Pope states that the majority of the ecumenical organs do not correspond to the truth and unity of religion. He also expresses and underlines this expressly that there is no hierarchy in church doctrine as there can be with the hierarchy of values, but the dogmas of faith must express the aspects of faith for all religious areas. In this encyclical he describes that all Church Fathers viewed the Catholic Church as one and only one Church. Pius XI. It is true that he wanted all Christians to be united, but this must be guided in the spirit of the Apostle Peter as described in the Gospel .

About the true unity of religions

The longing for mutual Christian and religious union goes through humanity, continues the Pope and explains that this longing for unity is also expressed in the modern "religious congresses", which, however, are not to be approved. The attempts made by the representatives of a vague, “general” Christianity to unite “all who call themselves Christians” are also shameful . The Catholics must be warned of this "panchristlichen" aspirations, because there is only one true religion, namely the revealed, and only one true church of Christ founded. It is therefore a mistake, he states, to assume that there is no unified Church of Christ today, but only various Christian special churches, which should form a covenant as equal entities without direct leadership of the Pope.

The real church

The Roman Catholic Church is the one true Church of Christ, explains Pius XI. It is the God-appointed guardian of revealed truth, which must not be dragged down to the ground of discussion . The love alone can not merge the separated Christians, if not the genuine faith is the bond of unity: the Catholic faith without restrictions and compromise. The return of the separated, the promotion of true unity of religion, is the heart's desire of the Pope and the congregations should make this wish the object of prayer.

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