Nos es muy conocida

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With the encyclical Nos es muy conocida ( Eng : "She is well known to us") of March 28, 1937, Pope Pius XI. Position on the “religious situation in Mexico ”, with his encyclical he addresses the Mexican episcopate .

About the threat to the clergy

In this encyclical the Pope expresses that he has recognized the threatened Church in Mexico and the dangers for the clergy and that he is now offering his apostolic help. He writes about his confidence and that with theological help it will be possible to advance the Christian restoration. He praised the timely sending of seminary students to a South American seminary and to Rome , thus ensuring the safety and training of the priests .

Priesthood in Mexico

Pius XI. recalls his encyclical Ad catholici sacerdotii (December 20, 1935) in which he expressed his thoughts on the Catholic priesthood, at the same time he refers to his apostolic letter Paterna sane (February 2, 1926) to the bishops, the clergy and the faithful Mexico to demand civil rights and common duties without the intervention of political parties. He encourages Mexican priests to continue their service to the Church and to encourage cooperation with the laity . With regard to the possibilities of a Catholic action , the Pope cites his inaugural encyclical Ubi arcano Dei of December 23, 1922 and recalls the motto of his pontificate “Pax Christi in Regno Christi”.

Fruitful work

In the selection of students , despite the great task, not only must the number of candidates and employees be increased, but quality must be emphasized. He praised this step already begun by the Mexicans and notes with satisfaction that “this way of working in silence, without commotion or loud forms, will bring its fruits, like a seed that spreads quietly under the earth then to grow into a strong plant ”. So it is also written when we talk about worries: “Rather, seek his kingdom and this will be added to you. “( Lk 12:31 ), this means that the goal is the Catholic sanctification of souls .

Concern for people

To protect human dignity and social justice , it is necessary in times of need to denounce unjust and unworthy conditions. At the same time, however, care must be taken to combat violence and undignified measures; this intervention in the social question is intended to prevent workers from falling victim to anti-Christian propaganda . Pius XI sees another duty. in the religious and economic help of the rural population, which does not represent a small proportion, but this also includes the indigenous population and Indians . The many emigrants who leave their country for the United States of America should be taken in and supported by the brothers there.

The future of the young generation

The future of the young generation is very dear to the Pope's heart, they are exposed to the immoral and anti-religious press and therefore he is very concerned about them. He therefore suggests that all legally permitted measures should be exhausted in order to protect young people in organizations, associations and other church institutions from the dangers of neglect.

Possible solutions

In a first catalog of measures, Pius XI. Some approaches to a solution: Compliance with the proportionality of the means, all measures must comply with the legal conditions, all measures must not cause any additional damage, defense of human dignity with all available legal means and finally it is a priority task of "Catholic Action" to prosper To contribute (prosperity) to the nation . Together with obedience and discipline , the duties of universal charity are to be fulfilled and the Catholic principles of action are: “... I, the prisoner in the Lord, implore you to support charity and the unity of the Lord in all humility and mildness, with patience and love To receive the spirit through the bond of peace ... ” (according to Eph 4, 1-4 ).

See also

Encyclicals Iniquis afflictisque and Acerba animi on the persecution of the Church in Mexico

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