Ingravescentibus malis

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Ingravescentibus malis is an encyclical of Pope Pius XI. , it was published on September 29, 1937. In view of the world situation, the Pope wanted to use it to remind all believers to pray the rosary as a refuge for the Church.

Faith and Community

In the encyclical he laments the collapse of faith and calls for resistance that the current situation is trying in some regions to destroy private law and to separate the community. He turns against the theories of communism , which seeks to destroy the way of life of the Christian community.


He also deplores the dangers of civil wars caused by people who would strive to dissolve the social responsibility. It would be his predecessor Pope Leo XIII. been who in several exhortations - calls Pius XI. in memory - I asked the grace of the Blessed Mother Mary to implore the protection of God.

Rosary month of October

In particular, the apparition of the Holy Mother in Lourdes in the rosary prayer, which is always to be celebrated in the rosary month of October, must encourage the strength to resist. The rosary not only serves to overcome the enemies of God and religion , but it brings stimulation and strengthens the understanding of the truth that God has given us .


He demands of the parents that it is the fathers and mothers within the families who have to convey the prayer of the rosary to their children so that they can grow up in the power of faith. In his final exhortation he encourages the clergy not to become negligent in the practice of praying the rosary.

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