Moses Mielziner

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Moses Mielziner (born August 12, 1828 in Schubin , Posen Province , Prussia ; died February 18, 1903 in Cincinnati , Ohio , USA ) was a liberal rabbi and professor at the HUC .

Moses Mielziner was the son of the local rabbi Benjamin Leib Mielziner. He was a student of the yeshiva of Zwi Hirsch Klausner in Exin .

From 1848 to 1852 he studied at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . He studied with Rabbi JJ Oettinger. He received his ordination from him and from the preacher of the reform church Samuel Holdheim . He received his doctorate in Giessen in 1857 . His doctoral thesis, The Conditions of Slaves among the Hebrews , appeared in Copenhagen in 1859 , was also translated into English, and made him known in the USA.

In 1852 Mielziner became a preacher in Waren , Mecklenburg-Schwerin . There he came into conflict with the Orthodox country rabbi and had to leave the office. In 1854 he became a preacher in Randers , Denmark . From 1857 to 1865 he was Dayan and head of the religious school in Copenhagen. There he married Rosette Levald in 1861.

Mielziner then emigrated to the United States, where in September 1865 he was given a job as rabbi of the Ansche-hessed community in New York . As a member of the Philadelphia Rabbinical Assembly in 1869, he advocated "decisive progress." After the New York parish merger, he was dismissed from office in 1873. He then became the head of a private school in New York, teaching rabbinical candidates. He taught Talmud and rabbinic literature at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati from 1879 to 1903 and was president of this institution from 1900 until his death after the death of Isaac Mayer Wise .


  • De Hebraeorum servis ancillisque dissertatio qua quali apud Hebraeos conditione serviquum populares tum peregrini usi fuerint ex Talmudistarum decretis fontibusque illustratur. (German: The conditions of the slaves among the ancient Hebrews, based on Biblical and Talmudic sources. A contribution to Hebrew-Jewish antiquity. ) Dissertation Gießen 1857, published in Copenhagen in 1859
    • English translation: Slavery Amongst the Ancient Hebrews. In: Moses Mielziner 1913, pp. 64-103.
  • Tale ved Chanukah festivals in the jødiske religious school. Copenhagen 1860.


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