Mount Mecheva

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Mount Mecheva
height 850  m
location Grahamland , Antarctic Peninsula
Mountains Bigla Ridge
Coordinates 66 ° 30 '11 "  S , 64 ° 0' 12"  W Coordinates: 66 ° 30 '11 "  S , 64 ° 0' 12"  W.
Mount Mecheva (Antarctic Peninsula)
Mount Mecheva

Mount Mecheva (English, Bulgarian връх Мечева wrach Metschewa ) is a massive, icy and 850  m high mountain in Bigla Ridge at the Foyn coast of Graham lands north of the Antarctic Peninsula . It rises 13 km southwest of Balder Point , 13.7 km northwest of Spur Point , 14.9 km north of Varad Point and 6.87 km northeast of Chuypetlovo Knoll . The Beaglehole Glacier lies to the southwest, the Sleipnir Glacier to the northwest, and the Cabinet Inlet to the northeast of it. Its rocky north, east and south-west slopes are particularly striking.

British scientists mapped it in 1974 and 1976. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2013 after the Bulgarian biologist Rumjana Metschewa, who was active in several campaigns at the St. Kliment-Ohridski station from 1999 onwards.

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