Mr. Robinson Crusoe

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Original title Mr. Robinson Crusoe
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1932
length 70 minutes
Director A. Edward Sutherland
script Douglas Fairbanks
Thomas J. Geraghty
production Douglas Fairbanks
music Alfred Newman
camera Max Dupont
cut Robert Kern

Mr. Robinson Crusoe is a 1932 American comedy film.


Steve Drexel sails on a yacht with his friends in the South Pacific . He bets them that, like Robinson Crusoe , he can survive alone on a lonely island in the South Sea and create his own paradise. Since his friends do not believe him, he jumps overboard to swim to a nearby island. Only his dog follows him. Once on the island, he begins to explore nature and to create a new home for himself, delighted with a life in nature. Meanwhile, the friends sail on and watch a wedding ceremony on a neighboring island. Drexel continues to enjoy his simple life. Only a native headhunter briefly disturbs his peace. From the neighboring island the bride flees from her groom in a canoe and ends up on the same island as Drexel. There she is lured by the music from Drexel's self-made radio and so falls into one of Drexel's net traps. He finds the pretty girl and is of the opinion that the real Robinson Crusoe was definitely owned by a woman. He calls the girl Saturday and enjoys his new company. Together they hear the bad news from civilization on the radio and enjoy life on Drexel's golf course. But the natives from the neighboring island are already looking for the lost daughter, and ultimately overwhelm Drexel and the girl. The kidnappers turn out to be cannibals and want to grill Drexel. But when Drexel's trained monkey turns on the radio, the cannibals are chased away by the noise and Saturday is able to free Drexel again, whereupon Drexel lures the men into his net trap. Eventually his two friends end up on the island and are amused by his paradise with self-made cafes and a park avenue . You admit Drexel won his bet and redeem it. When another group of natives arrives on the island, led by the girl's mother, the friends flee onto the yacht and, after a successful escape, have to realize that Saturday has also got on board. Together they return to the USA and Saturday becomes a dancer with the Ziegfeld Follies .


“Comedic variation on the classic adventure material by Daniel Defoe, in which the main character, unlike in the novel, comes to the island on the basis of a bet to prove that she is just as capable as the real Robinson. Of course, the "hero" solves all difficulties and wins the bet; an embodiment and at the same time ironicization of the myth of America. "

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