Mudra (noble family)

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Mudra is the name of an aristocratic family who came from Runde near Muskau in Upper Lusatia .

History and lineage

The family can be identified for the first time with peasant property in the village of Runde, west of Muskau in Upper Lusatia, where the name is very common , as in the Spreewald and Bohemia .

The Mudra family was elevated to the Prussian nobility on June 16, 1913 by AKO by Kaiser Wilhelm II . The award of the nobility diploma to Bruno von Mudra (1851-1931), Prussian general of the infantry and commanding general of the XVI. Army Corps , took place on February 18, 1914.

From Mudra's marriage to Paula Schött (born June 26, 1860 in Rheydt; † November 22, 1937 in Schwerin), the daughter of the factory owner Hermann Schött and Sofie Wilhelmine Jansen, which was closed on October 12, 1886 in Rheydt, two children left emerge:

  • Herbert Emil Bruno von Mudra (born December 22, 1887 in Berlin; † January 6, 1945 in Bad Kissingen), Colonel and military district commander. Married Ellinor Tornow (born June 4, 1893 in Baden, Switzerland) in Strasbourg on August 10, 1918 , daughter of the wholesale merchant Max Leonhard Tornow and Ida Maximiliane Nieriker.
    • Rosmarie Ludovika von Mudra (born April 28, 1919 in Konstanz ); oo on April 27, 1942 Rolf von Tresckow (born September 20, 1909 in Frankfurt an der Oder ), divorced on December 7, 1957.
    • Herbert Bruno Maximilian Alexander von Mudra (born April 5, 1924 in Frankfurt am Main ; † May 2, 1945 near Bremervörde), lieutenant in the 115th Panzer Grenadier Regiment .
  • Edith von Mudra (born October 28, 1892 in Berlin; July 17, 1942 in Schwerin ) oo on October 6, 1914 in Wiesbaden Karlheinz Moelle (born April 12, 1890 in Kassel ), captain and businessman.

The male line of the family has died out since 1945 .

coat of arms

The coat of arms (1913) is divided and shows a growing two-tailed lion in black above , and two black oblique bars below . The lion grows on the crowned helmet with black and gold covers .

The coat of arms of the Mudras corresponds to that of the also extinct Barons of Mudrach , with whom, however, there is no tribal relationship .
