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Mullo is the name of a Gallic deity attested in France in Celtic mythology .

Mythology and Etymology

Mullo is seen as a healing deity, especially for eye diseases. His name has been found on a total of eleven inscriptions, all from France. One of them on a in Angers ( department of Maine-et-Loire , Region Pays de la Loire is found) consecration tablets:

Aug (usto) | Marti Mullon (i) | Tauricus Tauri f (ilius) | v (otum) s (olvit) l (ibens) m (erito)
("Tauricus, son of Taurus, gladly and deservedly fulfilled the vow for Augustus Mars Mullo")

Other important sites are Craon ( Mayenne ), Rennes ( Ille-et-Vilaine ) and Allonnes ( Sarthe ).

According to the Interpretatio Romana , he is equated with Mars . The etymology of the name Mullo is controversial, the Latin words mulus ("mule") or cumulus ("hill") are being considered alongside the Irish mul ("hill", "pile"). A proto-Indo-European root * mel ("mule") is also mentioned. The exclusive declaration of Mullo as a mule deity is questionable.

In Romani , the language of the Roma , Mullo describes an undead , a vampire . A possible connection with the Gallic god cannot be proven.


The asteroid (5164) Mullo , discovered on November 20, 1984, has been named after the deity since 1996.

See also


Individual evidence

  1. CIL 13, 3096 .
  2. Helmut Birkhan: Celts. Attempt at a complete representation of their culture. Publishing house of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-7001-2609-3 , pp. 651, 768.
  3. Minor Planet Circ. 27128