Murad Ferid

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Murad Ferid (born April 11, 1908 in Saloniki , † October 11, 1998 in Munich ) was a German legal scholar and full professor at the University of Munich . His focus was on civil law , international private law , foreign law, as well as comparative law and international law .


Ferid was born in Saloniki in 1908. His grandfather was a doctor, his father, who died early in Munich in 1910, was an Albanian officer in Turkey. Ferid obtained the general university entrance qualification at the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich and then began studying law at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich , where he worked at the Institute for Comparative Law during his studies. In 1932 he also received his doctorate in Munich with the work The relationship between claims from tortious acts and claims from breach of contract in French and English law and passed the second state examination in 1934. He first became a public prosecutor before being drafted as a soldier in World War II. Ferid was drafted into the regular army on August 26, 1939. On September 20, 1939, he was assigned to Artillery Division 752.

He applied as an interpreter and translator and had interviews with Lieutenant Colonel Marwede, Major Arnold, Major Partl, Colonel von Lahousen and Captain Abshagen. In January 1942 he was transferred to the Abwehr (secret service). During his work, Ferid came into contact with assistant to the Mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini, for example with Safuad el Husseini and Dr. Jandall. From July 1942 Ferid was transferred to the Abwehrstelle in Athens. From summer 1943 to October 1944, Ferid was stationed at the front reconnaissance command FAK 201 in Belgrade.

After the end of the war, on Erwin Riezler's advice, he completed his habilitation in Munich in 1949 with the work Der Neubürger in international private law. In 1953 he became an extra full professor, and in 1956 he became a full professor in Munich. He stayed there until his retirement in 1974.

Grave of Murad Ferid and his wife Lieselotte, Obermenzing cemetery, Munich


  • The relationship between the tort claim and the breach of contract claim in French and English law (dissertation 1932)
  • The new citizen in international private law (habilitation thesis 1949)
  • International Inheritance Law (1955)
  • Expert opinion on international and foreign private law (1965 ff. Together with Gerhard Kegel and Konrad Zweigert )
  • International inheritance law (loose-leaf collection, 3rd edition 1990, together with Karl Firsching )
  • International marriage and child law
  • International private law 1975 (3rd edition continued by Christof Böhmer )
  • French civil law (1986, 2 volumes, together with Hans Jürgen Sonnenberger )



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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Richard Mergel: Foreign Office and Secret Service - Personnel in the Third Reich and post-war Germany . 2016, ISBN 978-3-7418-1103-6 .
  2. ↑ Interview report of Dr. Murad Ferid, Twelfth Army Group, Munich, July 11, 1945
  3. ^ NJW 1998, 1129
  4. Announcement of awards of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. In: Federal Gazette . Vol. 25, No. 139, July 28, 1973.