Mustafa Sabri

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Mustafa Sabri Efendi ( Ottoman مصطفى صبرى; * 1869 in Tokat , today's Turkey ; † 1954 in Cairo , Egypt ) was the 174th and penultimate Sheikh-ul Islam of the Ottoman Empire . As is usual with Turkish Ottomans, he was a Sunni Muslim and belonged to the Hanefi school of law. Mustafa Sabri spoke Standard Arabic , Turkish , Persian and Ottoman .


After his basic education he went to Kayseri and studied there in the madrasa with Haci Emin Efendi from Divrik. He then went to Istanbul and continued his studies with Ahmad Asım Efendi , the Sultan's scholarly advisor, and received his ijazat (diploma). At the age of 22 he started teaching at the Fatih Mosque. As a scholar, he led a total of 50 students to the ijazat. He also worked as an imam at the Asariye Mosque . He received the Medschidi Prize for Science. In 1900 he became the librarian of the Sultan and Caliph Abdülhamid II. In 1908 he became a delegate from Tokat and at the same time he was the rector of the Fatih Madrasa. Due to differences with the government of the Unity and Progress Party, Mustafa Sabri Efendi began to write in the newspaper Beyân-ül Hâk as a main columnist, where he also criticized the government. He escaped attacks that were aimed at him and fled to Romania . After a change of government, he returned to Istanbul and became rector of the Sulaymaniye Madrasa for Hadith Studies . On March 4, 1919 he became Sheikh-ul Islam, succeeding Haydarizade İbrahim Efendi . He held this office for seven months. In 1920 he became Sheikh-ul Islam again and this time took over the office from his predecessor Dürrizade Abdullah Bey Efendi , but was replaced in the same year by Medeni Mehmet Nuri Efendi , who held the office from 1920 to 1922 and was the last Sheikh-ul Islam of the Ottoman Empire Was rich . Mustafa Sabri emigrated to Egypt in 1922 because of persecution by the regime and taught as rector at Al Azhar University . He left a number of Arabic and Turkish works, he is considered a critic of Kemalist Turkey and the founder of the state Mustafa Kemal Ataturk .


  • an-Nakīr ʿalā munkirī n-niʿma min ad-dīn wa-l-ḫilāfa wa-l-umma (Beirut: al-Maṭbaʿa al-ʿAbbāsīya, 1923), anti-Kemalist treatise in which the restriction of the Ottoman caliphate to representative tasks is criticized .


(السيف المسلول فوق رقاب أعداء الإسلام في أنقرة) in “Hilafet ve Kemalizm” 1946 edition by Mustafa Sabri

ar. Transcription: es-seyfu'l-meslûl fewka rikâb-ı a'dâyi'l-İslâm fi Ankara

German : From the main root of the Islamophobes from Ankara, a sword which has freed itself from its scabbard.

tr .: Ankara'daki İslam düşmanlarının ense kökündeki, kınından sıyrılmış kılıç.


  • Yusuf Şevki Yavuz: Art. "Mustafa Sabri Efendi" in Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm ansiklopedisi Vol. XXXI, pp. 350c-353a digitized

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