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Sweden Västra Götaland location map.svg
Localization of Västra Götaland in Sweden
State : Sweden
Province  (län): Västra Götalands län
Historical Province (landskap): Bohuslan
Municipality  : Orust
Coordinates : 58 ° 6 '  N , 11 ° 31'  E Coordinates: 58 ° 6 '  N , 11 ° 31'  E
SCB code : S4653
Status: Småort
Residents : 139 (December 31, 2015)
Area : 0.87 km²
Population density : 160 inhabitants / km²
Height : 80  m o.h.

Nösund is a small town with 139 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2015) in the west of Sweden's Bohuslän . It belongs to the municipality of Orust in the province of Västra Götalands län .

Nösund (2010)


Nösund is located in the south of the island of Orust , the third largest in the country, on the Skagerrak . The place is at the intersection of two deep cuts in the landscape. The two southern of the four branches are the Sunde Lyresund and Tångesund, which separate the island of Lyr from Orust; the third branch is a bay called Boxviks kile; in the fourth, the town of Nösund stretches inland along the road to Henån .


Nösund is located in the southwest of Orust opposite the island of Lyr. In addition to a loose collection of houses by the old steamboat pier, most of the houses are along the road to Tegneby and Henån.

The oldest building is the Källarhuset , an old warehouse from the 1780s. Other buildings that have survived from the town's heyday are the former boarding house, now Nösunds värdshus , the salt factory, storage building and a bathhouse.


Traces of settlement that indicate settlement of the area around the place as early as 7000 BC. Point were found near the chapel of Nösund.

Since 1388, when the farmer Roa Gunnarsson from Lalleröd donated Grund to the church in Nydiusundi , Nösund has been known as an agricultural property. Until around 1800 agriculture and fishing provided for their own use for the residents of the farm.

At the height of the herring fishery in the 18th century, a fish salting factory and a liquor factory were built near today's bridge . When the herring stocks dwindled in the 19th century and the inhabitants of Nösund were deprived of an important economic basis, the merchant Rudolf Leopold Gerle began to export oats from Nösund to England . Nösund became one of the so-called oat ports on the Swedish west coast. Since Gerle also devoted himself to other trading activities and freight traffic and trade became an important economic pillar of Nösund, Nösund developed into an economic center of Orust and the capital of the island. In 1850 there were three shops in Nösund - in contrast to only ten others on the rest of the island. There was also an inn and a canning factory. Shoemaking, tailoring, bakery, inn, mill and sheet metal beating followed, and towards the end of the 19th century a post office, a telegraph office and a bank were set up. The newly built houses and handicraft businesses lined up starting from the port along the road leading inland.

From 1880, Nösund also aroused the interest of Gothenburg's urban population as a seaside resort. The newly established steamboat connection to Gothenburg at the beginning of the 20th century also contributed to this . Nösunds Havsbadsanstalt och Nösunds Badhusaktiebolag built cold and warm bathing houses, attracting people with cheap meals. In addition to a hotel and the boarding house, which opened in 1913, the first summer houses were built in 1905. Over time, the economic focus shifted away from trade and shipping to tourism.


Sweden's first road tunnel , opened in 1958, is to the northwest of the town .


  1. a b Statistiska centralbyrån : Småorter 2015, byggnader, areal, överlapp tatorter, coordinater (Excel file)

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