Nadezhda Avksentievna Gavriljuk

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Nadezhda Avksentjewna Gavriljuk ( Russian: Надежда Авксентьевна Гаврилюк ; born July 28, 1951 in Sovetskaya Gawan ) is a Soviet - Ukrainian ancient historian .


Gavriljuk studied in Minsk at the Belarusian State University in the Faculty of History , graduating in 1973. She then became a research assistant at the Mykolaiv Oblast - Regional Studies Museum and in 1974 senior laboratory assistant in the South Bug and Zaporizhia expedition of the Moscow Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences the USSR (AN-SSSR).

This was followed by Gavriljuks aspirantur at the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR in Kiev with Alexei Ivanovich Terenoschkin (1975–1978). She then stayed there as a research assistant. In 1980 she successfully defended her dissertation at the Institute for Archeology of the AN-SSSR on the stucco ceramics of the steppes - Scythians for the doctorate as a candidate for historical sciences . She headed the authors collective of the Dictionary of Archeology.

Since 1996 Gavriljuk has headed the field research department of the Kiev Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAN). In 2000 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on the Steppe Scythians at the St. Petersburg Institute for Material Culture in the 7th – 4th grade. Century BC Chr. Taking into account the ecological aspects for the doctorate to the doctor of the historical sciences . Since 2001 she has been chief editor of the Yearbook of Archaeological Discoveries of Ukraine and since 2007 a member of the National Ceramic Expert Council for the annual ceramic competitions. She is a scientific advisor to the Bakhchysarai Archaeological Expedition.

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Individual evidence

  1. Інститут енциклопедичних досліджень НАН України: Гаврилюк Надія Оксентіївна (accessed May 9, 2020).
  2. a b c d Institute for Ceramics of the NAN: Гаврилюк Надія Оксентіївна (accessed on May 9, 2020).
  3. Gavriljuk Nadezda Avrsentievna . In: Jan Filip, Jiri Hrala (Hrsg.): Encyclopaedic handbook on the prehistory and early history of Europe . Prague 1998, p. 97 .
  4. Биография Гаврилюк Надія Оксентіївна (accessed May 9, 2020).
  5. Гаврилюк, Надежда Авксентиевна: Керамика степной Скифии  : диссертация ... кандидата исторических  : 07.06 . Kiev 1980.
  6. Collective of authors: Словаря-справочника по археологии . 1996.
  7. Archaeological Dictionary . Hamburg 1998.
  8. Гаврилюк, Надежда Авксентиевна: Степная Скифия VI-IV вв. до н. э.  : Эколого-экономический аспект  : диссертация ... доктора исторических наук  : 07.00.06 . St. Petersburg 1999.
  9. Gavrilyuk NA: The Scythian Economic cycle in the Northern Black Sea Area history and Types of the Eurasian Nomadic Complex Societies . In: Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations. International conference . Moscow 2000.
  10. Наші автори (accessed May 9, 2020).