Naila Musayeva

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Naila Musayeva

Naila Fuad kysy Musajewa ( Russian: Наиля Фуад кызы Мусаева ; born September 7, 1957 in Baku ) is a Soviet - Azerbaijani computer scientist and university teacher .


Mussayeva studied applied mathematics in Baku from 1974 to 1979 at the Faculty of Automation of Production Processes of the Azerbaijani Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry . Then she worked as an engineer - programmer in the Aserelektroterm production association .

1983 Mussajewa began postgraduate automation of technological processes and production in Azerbaijan Engineering -Institut (since 2000 Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction ). In 1986 she became a member of the chair for information technologies and systems. In 1990 she successfully defended her dissertation on algorithms and application program packages for the data comparison of statistical parameters and for mathematical models of the statics of technological processes and their implementation in the automated process control system (ASUTP) for the doctorate as a candidate in technical sciences. In 1994 she became a senior scientific employee and in 1997 a lecturer at the chair for computer technology and automation of production processes at the Azerbaijani Civil Engineering Institute. In March 2002 Mussajewa defended successfully her doctoral thesis on algorithms and software for improved determination of the statistical characteristics of the conditionality of the correlation matrix and the proper identification for promotion to Doctor of Technical Sciences in 2003. In 2007 she became a professor at the Institute of Information Technologies and systems of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction.

In addition, Mousayeva has been working at the Institute for Control Systems of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan since 1991 and has headed the Laboratory for Identification of Stochastic Processes since 2002 . From 2004–2006 she headed a project of the Cooperative Grants Program (CGP) of the USA Civil Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) as principal investigator and was involved in another project of the CGP from 2008–2010.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d AMEA İnformasiya Texnologiyaları İnstitutu: Musayeva Nailə Fuad qızı (accessed August 9, 2020).
  2. Мусаева, Наиля Фуад кызы: Алгоритмы и пакеты прикладных программ коррекции оценок статистических характеристик и математических моделей статики технологических процессов и их реализация в АСУТП : автореферат дис. ... кандидата технических наук: 05.13.07 . Азерб. ин-т нефти и химии им. М. Азизбекова, Baku 1989.
  3. Мусаева, Наиля Фуад кызы: Алгоритмы и пакеты прикладных программ коррекции оценок статистических характеристик и математических моделей статики технологических процессов и их реализация в АСУТП : диссертация ... кандидата технических наук: 13.05.07 . Азерб. ин-т нефти и химии им. М. Азизбекова, Baku 1989.
  4. Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası: Stoxаstik proseslərin identifikasiyası laboratoriyası (accessed on August 9, 2020).
  5. NFMusaeva: Technology for determining the magnitude of robustness as an estimate of statistical characteristics of noisy signal . In: Automatic Control and Computer Sciences . No. 5 , 2005, p. 64-74 .
  6. NFMusaeva: Robust correlation coefficients as initial data for solving a problem of confluent analysis . In: Automatic Control and Computer Sciences . No. 2 , 2007, p. 76-87 .
  7. Aliev TA, Musaeva NF, Suleymanova MT, Gazizade BI: Technology for calculating the parameters of the density function of normal distribution of the useful component in a noisy process . In: Journal of Automation and Information Sciences . tape 48 , no. 2 , 2016, p. 35-55 .
  8. Aliev TA, Musaeva NF, Suleymanova MT, Gazizade BI: Density Function of Noise Distribution as an Indicator for Identifying the Degree of Fault Growth in Sucker Rod Pumping Unit (SRPU) . In: Journal of Automation and Information Sciences . tape 49 , no. 4 , 2017, p. 1–11 , doi : 10.1615 / JAutomatInfScien.v49.i4.10 .