Natan Darty

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Natan Darty (born July 15, 1920 in Płońsk , Poland ; † November 1, 2010 ) was a French entrepreneur and co-founder of the household appliance manufacturer Darty .


Natan Darty was the eldest of the three Darty brothers who founded the household appliance manufacturer together with their father Henry Darty.

The family originally worked as a textile dealer in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) before Henry Darty and his sons Natan, Marcel and Bernard opened their first household appliance store in 1957. In 1965 they opened the second specialty store before the first department store with a sales area of ​​800 square meters was opened in Bondy in May 1968 . This started the expansion of the company, which today has more than 12,000 employees in over 200 stores. In the 2008/2009 financial year, the company achieved sales of 2.72 billion euros .

In 1993 the family business was taken over by the British company Kingfisher .

While Marcel Darty died in 1983 at the age of 61, the youngest of the three brothers and former président-directeur général of the company, Bernard Darty (* 1934), lives in Switzerland and Belgium . Jean Sarkozy , son of French President Nicolas Sarkozy , has been married to Jessica Sebaoun, heir to the Darty department store chain, since 2008.

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