National Socialists Chemnitz

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National Socialists Chemnitz (NSC) is a banned German right-wing extremist organization from Chemnitz .


The NSC emerged from the predecessor organization Heimatschutz Chemnitz , which was registered as an association . Individual members were also in the storm 34 . According to Gordian Meyer-Plath, the Chemnitz National Socialists were a modern type of neo-Nazi group that did not want to appear to the outside world as a fixed group. The group was organized in a conspiratorial manner. It consisted of a hard core of 14 people and a support group of up to 30 people. There was a membership fee and regular meetings of the regular members. The clubhouse belonged to Yves Rahmel , the then managing director of the right rock label PC-Records . The leading members maintained relationships with leading neo-Nazi cadres from the area, including Ralf Wohlleben , who was sentenced to ten years in prison in the NSU trial . Maik Eminger, the twin brother of André Eminger , who was sentenced to two and a half years in prison in the NSU trial , is said to have been a member of the organization.

The group took part in various right-wing events and prepared for armed struggle. Shooting and martial arts training were carried out. Several attacks on migrants were also known. On July 22, 2012, several members agreed to take revenge for an alleged knife attack. In the subsequent stabbing with migrants, two people were slightly injured and one seriously injured. In addition, the NSC organized the protest against an asylum seeker facility in Chemnitz-Ebersdorf and commemorative ceremonies for the bombing of Chemnitz in World War II . From 2011 onwards, the organization used the cover names for such events as the interest group Stadtgeschichte Chemnitz and the action group Raus in den Zukunft .

From 2007 until they were banned, the National Socialists Chemnitz operated a website and published the print medium Freies Chemnitz .

Prohibition Procedure

On March 28, 2014, the Saxon Interior Minister Markus Ulbig banned the association. Following the ban, 15 apartments and the clubhouse in Chemnitz and one apartment in Hesse were searched. Both weapons and propaganda material were found. Has also found a fence flag of hooligan grouping NS-Boys . Several members belonged to this group. The NSC's assets were confiscated.

Activities of former members

According to, Maik Arnold, a former leader of the National Socialists in Chemnitz, is said to have had contacts with the environment of the National Socialist underground . He also took part in the AfD demonstration ("Silent March ") and the Pro Chemnitz demonstration on September 1, 2018 in Chemnitz.


  • Announcement by the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior of a ban on associations in accordance with Section 3 (4) of the Association Act - "National Socialists Chemnitz" of March 20, 2014 ( Saxon Official Gazette of April 17, 2014, p. 570 PDF; 200 kB)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johannes Grunert: "Nationale Sozialisten Chemnitz" - prohibition order with loopholes. In: . April 9, 2014, accessed July 29, 2014 .
  2. a b "National Socialists Chemnitz" prohibited. In: Saxon newspaper . March 28, 2014, accessed November 23, 2018 .
  3. ^ Anna Müller: Plans for the Nazi state: "National Socialists Chemnitz" prohibited. In: right end of the line . March 31, 2014, accessed July 29, 2014 .
  4. ^ DGB Region South West Saxony (Ed.): The National Socialists Chemnitz . In: “Right” are the others! Last updated January 31, 2018, accessed November 28, 2018.
  5. ^ Football, friendship, torchlight marches. Malfunction report on , April 1, 2014, accessed on July 27, 2014 .
  6. ^ Prohibition of the association "National Socialists Chemnitz"., March 28, 2014, accessed on July 29, 2014 .
  7. "Monitor" research: AfD joining forces with the right. Retrieved on September 6, 2018 (German).