Navina Sundaram

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Navina Sundaram (2013)

Navina Sundaram (* 1945 in Shimla , Himachal Pradesh , India ) is an Indian-German television journalist , editor and filmmaker. From 1964 to 2003 she worked as a political television editor for Norddeutscher Rundfunk and as a foreign correspondent for ARD . She was the first female television journalist with a migration background to present a. a. occasionally the programs Weltspiegel , Weltjournal, Panorama and Extra Drei , for which she produced magazine articles. In addition, she created short news articles for the daily news and daily topics .


Sundaram grew up in the independent Republic of India and studied in the spirit of the nehruvian secular state vision. After graduating from Delhi University in English literature in 1964, she came to Hamburg to do a two-year internship at North German Radio / Television. She learned from Axel Eggebrecht in the NDR radio's junior studio . After a two-year contract at the ARD foreign studio in New Delhi under the direction of the correspondent Hans Walter Berg , she returned to the NDR in Hamburg, where she worked permanently in the foreign editorial department of the current affairs department from 1970 until she retired from active service in 2003 Retired.

From 1986 to 1988 Sundaram presented and was editorially responsible for the series “Faces of Asia” on NDR 3 . Important programs from this time were: "Help, the World Bank is coming," a discussion of the politics of the IMF and the World Bank and "Is technology killing us?" About alternative energy and the sustainable use of resources . From 1992 to 1993 she was ARD correspondent and head of the South Asia television studio in New Delhi .

The main topics of her work were a. Issues of German asylum and refugee policy as well as migration and immigration , majority and minority societies as well as cultural exchange between Indian and German artists.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Brooding on the subject of "Home in a foreign country". Heinrich Böll Foundation , accessed on February 2, 2019 .
  2. Migrants and television of the 70s: different from the others. TAZ , November 13, 2007, accessed February 2, 2019 .
  3. The stories behind the news sS , accessed on February 7, 2019
  4. Axel Eggebrecht and the NDR "Nachwuchsstudio" sS , accessed on February 7, 2019
  5. Faces of Asia - a night for Hans Walter Berg sS, accessed on February 7, 2019
  6. Video collection of the South Asia Institute (PDF; 1.3 MB) sS, accessed on February 7, 2019