Neal S. Wolin

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Neal S. Wolin

Neal Steven Wolin (born December 9, 1961 ) is an American politician . He was until 31 August 2013, the Deputy Minister of Finance of the United States ( Deputy Secretary of the Treasury ).

Wolin was nominated by US President Barack Obama in March 2009 and confirmed by the Senate in May 2009 . Previously, he was an economic policy advisor to the White House . Wolin had also served in the Clinton administration for eight years : two years in the White House on the National Security Council and six as an advisor to the Treasury Department.

In July 2013, Neal Wolin announced that he would step down as deputy finance minister on August 31, 2013. His successor was Sarah Bloom Raskin .


Wolin studied history at Yale University and received his bachelor's degree summa cum laude. He then studied as a Charles and Julia Henry Fellow at Oxford University , where he earned a master's degree in development economics. He then graduated from Yale Law School as a Coker Teaching Fellow .

After graduating from law school, Wolin worked as a research assistant for Federal Judge Eugene Nickerson in Brooklyn and taught at Brooklyn Law School . He worked for the major law firm Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering in Washington, DC and then moved to the civil service, where he served as assistant to three CIA directors: William H. Webster , Robert Gates and James Woolsey . In 1993 Wolin joined the National Security Council as legal advisor ; In 1994 he became assistant to National Security Advisor Anthony Lake .

In 1995 he left the White House to work as deputy lawyer in the Treasury under Robert Rubin . Wolin stayed there for six years and became in 1999 under Secretary Lawrence Summers . In January 2001, Summers presented Wolin with the Alexander Hamilton Award , the highest honor given to Treasury staff.

In early 2001 Wolin was visiting scholar at the Brookings Institution and the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. In March 2001 he moved to the top management of the Hartford Financial Services Group with responsibility for legal, lobbying, taxation, communication and marketing. In 2007 he became Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of the Real Estate and Insurance Subsidiaries.

Wolin is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations .

Individual evidence

  1. Marquis Who's Who on the Web
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