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Nedjitef in hieroglyphics
Old empire
M17 X1

New kingdom
Aa27 I10
M17 X1

Gr.-Roman. time
M13 X1

Nḏj-t = f Who
protects his father

Nedjitef is the name of an ancient Egyptian deity who changed from a sky deity to a god of death in Egyptian mythology after the introduction of the cult of Re .


Early to Middle Kingdom

Nedjitef is well documented as an epithet of Horus in the Old Kingdom . Since the king ( Pharaoh ) appeared in the old area as a living Horus, the king also took over the work of Nedjitef. In the Middle Kingdom , Nedjitef was equated with the name of King Semerchet, mentioned in the royal papyrus of Turin , as a companion of the gods in connection with the Semsu .

New Kingdom and Late Period

Nedjitef appeared in several manifestations in the New Kingdom, for example as Harsiese , the childlike Horus as the son of Osiris and Isis . In a further equation, Nedjitef as Horus Iunmutef with the additional title Sa-meref refers to his function of the opener of the ways into the Duat or to his divine activity of the family pillar as a young Horus of Chemmis towards his mother Isis in Chemmis . In the later period, Nedjitef worked as Re-Horus.

Greco-Roman time

In the Greco-Roman period , additional amalgamations with Iunmutef and Min-Horus followed with regard to Egyptian mythology . Nedjitef therefore used the following titles: The king is like him , the king is his heir , son of Isis , the king is his living image , who protects his father Osiris , kingship is prophesied for the deceased as Sameref , he brings the enemies In case of case , He envelops him who created him , He should accompany the Bas on the way into the Duat and He should take care of the water needs of the spirits of the dead .

Nedjitef was also seen as the newborn child of the gods and functioned as the temple god of the ninth Upper Egyptian Min-Gaues . In this context, Nedjitef appeared in the name of Behedeti from the Lower Egyptian Gau des Slaughtered . The city of Edfu was considered his throne seat.


In the New Kingdom, Nedjitef is depicted as a standing god with arms hanging down . During the late period, his depiction as a standing god with knives in his hands was added.

The iconography of the Greco-Roman period is multi-layered and shows Nedjitef on the one hand together with Iunmutef as a human-shaped deity who has the youth lock and the panther skin cloak as further attributes ; on the other hand as a falcon-headed human or as a falcon-headed mummy .

See also
