Nouvelle Théologie

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The Nouvelle Théologie was a sense within the French Catholic theology since the 1930s. Against the background of contemporary philosophy and in a critical examination of neo-scholasticism, she wanted to bring historical thinking and the biblical- patristic tradition more strongly into theology.


Important representatives of Nouvelle Théologie were above all the religious theologians Henri Bouillard , Marie-Dominique Chenu , Yves Congar , Jean Daniélou and Henri de Lubac , in a certain way also Pierre Teilhard de Chardin . Even Hans Urs von Balthasar it was close.


Nouvelle Théologie, for example, dealt with the question of the historicity of truth and the relationship between nature and grace and sought a conversation with Marxism and non-Christian religions. De Lubac in particular advocated a reassessment of Thomas Aquinas .

Criticism and reception

At first, the Nouvelle Théologie was heavily criticized by the ecclesiastical teaching office because it was suspected of features of a new modernism , and there were disputes within the orders ( Dominicans , Jesuits ) of the respective representatives.

In the 1960s, the Second Vatican Council then took up some of the suggestions from the Nouvelle Théologie, with the participation of some main representatives as council theologians . Late recognition was given to individual representatives with the award of the cardinal dignity , while other innovators came into conflict with the ecclesiastical magisterium.


  1. After Erich Przywara had already coined the term "New Theology" for the German-speaking area in 1926 ( Voices of Time 111 (1926), 428–443), the term "Nouvelle Théologie" was initially negative and critical in the French area from 1942 onwards this theological direction used (cf. Pietro Parente ( Osservatore Romano 82 [February 9/10, 1942] n. 33.1); Pius XII. (Address to the 29th General Congregation of the SJ , 1946)), is meanwhile but it has become a common name.
  2. "It is in the NTh to any school in the strict sense, but independent, interrelated different close contact theologians [...]." ( Albert Raffelt : "Nouvelle Théologie." In: LThK 3 Vol 7. Col. 935-937, here 935).
  3. See the encyclical of Pius XII. Humani generis (1950), which does not condemn doctrine, but clearly opposes "some views that threaten to undermine Catholic doctrine" (AAS 42 (1950), 561-578, here: 561) and thus, among other things, dangers within the Nouvelle Théologie means.


in order of appearance

  • Raymond Winling: "Nouvelle Théologie". In: TRE 24 (1994), pp. 668-675.
  • Albert Raffelt: "Nouvelle Théologie". In: LThK 3 , vol. 7: Maximilian bis Pazzi , Herder, Freiburg 1998, col. 935-937.
  • Jürgen Mettepenningen: Nouvelle théologie - new theology. Inheritor of modernism. Precursor of Vatican II. London 2010, ISBN 978-0-567-03410-6 .
  • Jon Kirwan: An avant-garde theological generation. The nouvelle théologie and the french crisis of modernity . Oxford University Press, Oxford 2018, ISBN 978-0-19-881922-6 .

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