Neufarner Berg

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Neufarner Berg
Neufarner Berg from Anzing, on the right the place Froschkern

Neufarner Berg from Anzing, on the right the place Froschkern

height 552  m
location East of Neufarn
Coordinates 48 ° 9 '9 "  N , 11 ° 49' 40"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 9 '9 "  N , 11 ° 49' 40"  E
Neufarner Berg (Bavaria)
Neufarner Berg
District road EBE 5 from Neufarn, leading over the mountain, the highest point on the left

District road EBE 5 from Neufarn, leading over the mountain, the highest point on the left

Template: Infobox Berg / Maintenance / BILD1

The Neufarner Berg is an elevation in the district of Ebersberg east of Munich and forms the eastern border of the municipality of Vaterstetten and its district of Neufarn to the municipality of Anzing .


The former skinner's pit on the mountain

The Neufarner Berg has a height of 552  m and is 25 to 30 meters above the surrounding area. The district road EBE 5 (formerly Bundesstrasse 12 ), which is called Münchener Strasse here and connects Neufarn and Anzing, runs over it. There is also a footpath parallel to it. The Salzstrasse to Munich used to run here . When the road was expanded in 1902, the mountain was significantly flattened. A dirt road leads further north of Neufarn to the highest point of the mountain. The old oak that stood prominently on the summit was felled. The gallows erected here and used for slaughtering animals were dismantled as early as 1860. There is a wayside cross and some benches at the lookout point. Franz Xaver Weiller, a hostel builder from the area, donated the cross as thanks for his return from the First World War . In 1923 Menzinger donated a field cross in the direction of Neufarner Berg near the Herberger pit. The hamlets of Ranharting and Froschkern , which belong to Anzing, are located on the eastern flank . The A 94 runs north .

Say of the little firemen

According to a legend, fire men appeared earlier after sunset on the hill, also known as Galgenberg, who spread such horror among the carters that they preferred to spend the night in the inn in Neufarn instead of crossing the mountain on the way to Anzing after dark. The fire little man lived in the Abdeckergrube the gallows. Most of the time they could only be seen as jumping sparks, but sometimes they grabbed the wagons whip, jumped on the steed and took over the car until the top of the mountain was reached. Then they returned the whip to the carter. You could see the firemen's fingers branded on it. They did not harm people or animals. When a carter thanked a little fire man for the tour through the night, the little man also thanked him. It is now redeemed through his service. With the end of horse-drawn vehicles as a means of transport, the legend of the little firemen was almost forgotten.


Around 1907 a Wasenmeister house was built on the Vaterstetter side of the mountain . The owner, who acquired it in 2013, began a renovation of the building, as a result of which two of the four walls and the roof were removed and an unapproved cellar was installed. The municipality imposed a construction freeze in 2014 on the grounds that it had been demolished and that there was therefore no permit to build a new, purely residential building on the outskirts of the municipality. The possibility of acquiescence, for example because of long-term use as a residential building, was also extinguished with the demolition. The community supported the reconstruction but was unable to approve it because of these legal restrictions. The owner turned to the petition committee of the state parliament. In spring 2015, he recommended - without any legal basis - to the community to allow the reconstruction, but without structural changes, such as the basement. The building committee of the municipality followed this recommendation in June 2015 and decided to issue the building permit. In January 2016, however, it was announced that this had still not taken place, as the Upper Bavarian government had instructed the municipality to await the outcome of the civil proceedings between the owner and the contracted contractor. If they win the proceedings, the reconstruction could serve as a kind of reparation be approved. In September 2016, however, the government announced that it would use its discretion and clear the way for the reconstruction of the house.


Midsummer bonfires traditionally take place on the mountain . The fire is always in the former skinner's pit.


Web links

Commons : Neufarner Berg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Street catalog: [1] , accessed on December 31, 2016.
  2. a b c Phil Klüh: Flickering on the Fuhrweg In: Süddeutsche Zeitung of December 31, 2016, p. R10.
  4. Georg Reitsberger: Geisterwald und Galgenberg, April 7, 2014, accessed on December 31, 2016 ( Memento from January 1, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Wieland Bögel: Neufarner Berg - Risen ruin. In: April 13, 2015, accessed July 7, 2017 .
  6. Wieland Bögel: Neufarner Berg - Very far out. In: July 2, 2015, accessed July 7, 2017 .
  7. Wieland Bögel: Vaterstetten - the old house may not be rebuilt. In: January 20, 2016. Retrieved July 7, 2017 .
  8. Wieland Bögel: Vaterstetten - Over the mountain. In: September 6, 2016, accessed July 7, 2017 .