Nicolao da Seregno

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Nicolao da Seregno (first mentioned in 1463 , last time in 1500 ; also known as Nicolao de Lugano ) was a painter from the canton of Ticino .

Life and works

Originally from the town of Seregno in Lombardy , later uncle and nephew Seregno moved their place of residence and work to Lugano . From 1465 to 1482, Nicolao can be verified as a council member there, and in 1496 he was still paying his taxes in Lugano. Most of the time he worked with his uncle Cristoforo da Seregno

From the Seregno workshop, numerous frescoes in the style of the Upper Italian late Gothic have been preserved in many churches in the southern Alpine valleys . Well-known works in the canton of Ticino include the apse in the church of San Nicola in Giornico , the painting of San Carlo di Negrentino , the scene of the Descent from the Cross on the choir wall in Santa Maria della Misericordia in Ascona and the frescoes in the church of SS. Lorenzo e Agata in Rossura .

In the canton of Graubünden, works by Seregno can be found in the chapels of St. Jakob and St. Eusebius in Breil / Brigels , in the chapel of St. Agatha in Disentis / Mustér and in Mesocco , where they painted the church of Santa Maria del Castello .

A mural in the former parish church of St. Michael in Zug is now kept in the Swiss National Museum. Seregnos last known work are the coats of arms of Louis XII. from France for the town hall of Lugano from 1500



Web links

Commons : Nicolao da Seregno  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Alessandra Brambilla: Cristoforo da Seregno. In: Sikart , accessed January 18, 2016
  2. Celestino Trezzini: Nicolao da Seregno. In Historisches-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz , p. 349 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 8, 2017)