Nikanor (deacon)

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Nikanor (* around 1; † possibly around 76 in Cyprus ) was next to Stephanus , Philippus , Prochorus , Timon , Parmenas and Nikolaus, one of the Hellenists of the Jerusalem early community , who were selected by the apostles , presided over the community as a seven-man body and as the Seven Deacons went down in history. His name ( the winner ) suggests a Greek origin.

Because of their criticism of the temple and the laws in the tradition of Jesus Christ , they were expelled from Jerusalem in contrast to the Aramaic- speaking, law-abiding Jewish Christians . These scattered Christians, presumably including Nikanor, began proselytizing the pagans . He was chosen by the apostles to serve the poor and preach the gospel - the classic duties of the deacon - among Greek-speaking Christians. According to an ancient tradition, he suffered the same day as St. Stephen in the year 76 on Cyprus , the martyrdom . Both in the Catholic and in the Orthodox Church is his memorial of July 28 , in the Orthodox Church, in addition to the 4. January .



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