Nikolai Alexandrovich Iossa

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Nikolai Alexandrovich Iossa

Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Iossa ( Russian: Николай Александрович Иосса ; * 7 May July / 19 May  1845 greg. In Perm Governorate ; † 31 December 1916 jul. / 13 January  1917 greg. In St. Petersburg ) was a Russian mining engineer , Metallurgist and university professor .


Iossa came from an old mining family . Grandfather Andrei Grigorjewitsch Iossa (* 1777 in Hessen-Darmstadt ), who immigrated to Russia, was a mountain tester and Thuringian shift supervisor . His father Alexander Andrejewitsch Iossa was a mining engineer and metallurgist, as was his uncle Grigori Andrejewitsch Iossa .

Iossa studied at the Bergingenieur- Korps - Institut (later St. Petersburg State Mining University ) in St. Petersburg , graduating in 1865. He then worked in the Slatouster Metallurgical Works , where he was involved in attempts to use the Bessemer process for steel production. Then he was a lecturer in metallurgy at the Mining University in Yekaterinburg .

In 1871 Iossa was appointed to the chair of metallurgy at the Bergingenieur-Korps-Institut and was appointed professor in 1882. He was a consultant for the modernization of the Demidowsk works in the Verkhneuralsk district of the Orenburg governorate and developed new types of blast furnace projects. In 1885 he became a member of the Science Committee of the Mining Engineer Corps (and in 1907 its chairman). In 1891 he became inspector of the Bergingenieur-Korps-Institut and in 1900 its director.

In 1900 Iossa became director of the State Mining Authority . He initiated the Sutschan - coal cleardown, expanded the Caucasus - mineral waters -Amt, the mining training reorganized and improved occupational safety and health and social care workers. In 1910 he founded the Russian Metallurgical Society and became its first president.


  • AI Melua : Geologists and Mining Engineers of Russia: An Encyclopedia . Gumanistika, Moscow, St. Petersburg 2000 (Russian).
  • E. M Sablozki: Personalities of the Mining Service of Pre-Revolutionary Russia - Short Biographical Lexicon . Gumanistika, St. Petersburg 2004 (Russian).
  • AS Fyodorov: founder of the science of metal. Essay on the work of local scholars: metallurgists and metallographers . Nauka, Moscow 1969, pp. 124-125 (Russian).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Iossa (Nekrolog) . Gorny Journal 1916 No. 10-12 (Russian).
  2. ^ Biographical lexicon of personalities in the natural sciences and technology: Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Iossa . Publishing house of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia , Moscow 1958, 1959 (Russian).
  3. E. M Sablozki, WP Mikitjuk: The Iossas - the Germans of Russia: an encyclopedia . Moscow 1999 (Russian).
  4. EM Sablozki: people in the Ural mining operations (Russian retrieved on April 7, 2016).