Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Vasilchikov

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Nikolai Alexandrowitsch Wassiltschikow (around 1830)

Nikolai Alexandrovich Vasilchikov ( Russian : Васильчиков, Николай Александрович, * April 28 jul. / 9. May  1799 greg. In Vienna , † July 8 jul. / 20th July  1864 greg. In Moscow ) was a Boyar and a member of the Decembrists .


After his home schooling, NA Wassilschikow was accepted into the Imperial Page Corps . In the rank of cadet he was transferred to the Cavalry Life Guard Regiment and promoted to cornet in 1822 . The Life Guards regiment was one of the bodyguards who in 1825 at the revolt involved the Decembrists prevail. Nikolai Alexandrowitsch was not a ringleader , but was one of the followers and shortly after the uprising he regretted his complicity. On January 29, 1826 he was arrested and imprisoned in the fortress Peter and Paul in Saint Petersburg . On June 15, 1826 he received a suspended sentence , he was assigned to the 5th Reserve Cavalry Corps with the rank of corps and was under constant observation. A report of his behavior was written every month. On July 7, 1826, he became the Dragoon - Regiment of Tver added and after that he was the Serpukhow- Lancers assigned regiment. After he was transferred to the Kharkov Ulan Regiment in April 1828 , he was used in the Russo-Persian War from 1826 to 1828 and in the Russo-Turkish War from 1828 to 1829 . In recognition of his bravery and an injury , he was awarded the Russian Order of Saint Anne (4th grade).

On August 14, 1830 he was discharged from military service, still cornet. He was forbidden to stay in the capital Saint Petersburg and the major cities of the Russian Empire under threat of punishment . He chose Vsehsvytask near Moscow as his residence. In 1831, after the request of his mother and the intercession of Prince Illarion Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow , he was allowed to stay in Moscow again and live there. On February 20, 1839, Nikolai Alexandrovich submitted a petition for clemency , which was granted on May 9, 1839. After his death he was buried next to his wife in the Moscow Simon Monastery, the tomb was not preserved.

Origin and family

Katharina Petrovna Demidowa (1826)

NA Wassiltschikow came from the noble family Wassiltschikow , his father was Knes Alexander Ivanovich Wassiltschikow, who was married to Katharina Ivanovna Grekowa. His cousins ​​were the senator Alexei Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow (1776-1854) and the director of the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg Alexander Alexejewitsch Wassiltschikow (1832-1889). Nikolai Alexandrowitsch was married to Katharina Petrovna Demidowa (1801-1851), the daughter of War Commissioner Pyotr Ivanovich Demidow (1755-1818) and Alexandra Mikhailovna Krasnenkowa (1770-1847). Her son Nikolai Nikolajewitsch was only 3 years old, his sister Katharina Nikolajewna married Samuil Alexandrowitsch Panchulidzew (1825-1893).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dragoon Regiment Tver. See: ru: Тверской 16-й драгунский полк
  2. Serpukhow Uhlan Regiment. See: ru: Серпуховский уланский полк
  3. Kharkiv | Kharkov Uhlan Regiment. See ru: Харьковский 4-й уланский полк
  4. Vsehsvyatsk. See en: Vsekhsvyatskoye
  5. Monastery of Saint Simon. See en: Simonov Monastery
  6. noble family Panchulidzew. See: ru: Панчулидзевы