Alexei Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow

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Alexei Wassiljewitsch Wassiltschikow (1830), painting by Pyotr Sokolow

Knit Alexei Vasilievich Vasilchikov ( Russian : Васильчиков, Алексей Васильевич; born August 29 . Jul / 9. September  1776 greg. , † April 6 jul. / 18th April  1854 greg. In Moscow ) was a Russian Bojar . In the Russian Empire he was Real Privy Councilor and Senator in the Governing Senate .


As a chamberlain , he began his diplomatic service in the Vienna embassy , which was led by the ambassador Andrei Kirillowitsch Rasumowski . After that he did his service in the court and was ranked chamberlain and stable master . After several and large inheritances , after his wedding, he had a villa built on Saint Petersburg's boulevard Bolshaya Morskaya. In Saint Petersburg he initiated the establishment of social and non-profit institutions and organizations. He headed the so-called "Mariinsky Department" in the Imperial State Chancellery . This was the Department of the administration of the charity and goes to Empress Maria Feodorovna , wife of Czar Paul I return. He had orphanages, educational institutions and hospitals built and was a member of the board of trustees of public charities. On June 10, 1820, he was appointed senator and became a member of the Russian Mineralogy Society.

In 1838 he retired and moved with the family to the Kiev province , from 1841 to 1843 they lived in Europe and then returned to Moscow . In Moscow she lived in a manorial style, they gave great evenings and maintained a princely style in Moscow society. AW Wassiljewitsche died at the age of 77, his wife followed him in 1858, her burial place is in the small cathedral of the Donskoy monastery .

Origin and family

AW Wassiltschikow came from the descendants of the Rurikids , the family of Vasilchikovs came from the 16th century and was elevated to the rank of Russian prince in 1839 . His father was the chamberlain Knes Wassili Semjonowitsch Wassiltschikow (1743-1828), who was married to Countess Anna Kyrillowna Razummowskaja. His sister Maria Wassilowna was married to the Imperial Russian Chancellor Viktor Pavlovich Kotschubei , who promoted the career of his brother-in-law. His uncle was Alexander Semjonowitsch Wassiltschikow (1746-1813), who had an affair with the Empress Catherine II .

Alexandra Ivanova Vasilchikova (Arkhorova)

Alexsei Wassiljewitsch married Alexandra Ivanovna Arkharowa (1795–1855), she was the daughter of the Moscow military governor Ivan Pyotrowitsch Arkharow . Her descendants were:

  • Anna Alexejewna (1823–1890) ∞ Count Paul von Baranoff
  • Wassili Alexejewitsch (1825–1861)
  • Kathrina Alexejewna (1825–1888) ∞ Prince Vladimir Alexandrovich Cherkassky
  • Sophia Alexejewna (* / † 1827)
  • Pyotr Alexejewitsch (1829–1898), Chamberlain ∞ Countess Eugenie Vladimirovna Orlova-Davidovna
  • Alexander Alexejewitsch (1832–1890), director of the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg ∞ Countess Olga Wassiljewna Olsufiewa

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bolshaya Morskaya Ulitsa (Grand Sea Street) [1]
  2. Russian Mineralogical Society = Russian Minerialogy Society [2]