Kiev Oblast

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Kiev Oblast
Київська область / Kyjiwska oblast
Coat of arms of the Kiev Oblast Flag of Kiev Oblast
Basic data
Oblast center : Kiev
Official languages : Ukrainian
Residents : 1,754,284 (January 1, 2018)
Population density : 62.36 inhabitants per km²
in cities : 58.6%
Area : 28,131 km²
KOATUU : 3200000000
License plate : AI, AI
Administrative division
Rajons : 25th
Cities : 26th
managed by Oblast: 12
administered by Rajon: 14th
Stadtrajone : -
Urban-type settlements : 30th
Villages: 1,121
Settlements : 6th
Address: площа Лесі Українки 1
01196 м. Київ
Website: Official website
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About this picture
Statistical information

The Kiev Oblast ( Ukrainian Київська область Kyjiwska oblast ; Russian Киевская область Kijewskaja oblast ) is a region ( oblast ) in northern Ukraine . It has an area of ​​28,131 km² and around 1.75 million inhabitants (2018, excluding Kiev). The administration of the oblast is based in Kiev , although Kiev is an independent national unit. The oblast consists of 25 districts ( Rajon ). The largest rivers are the Dnepr , Ros and Prypiat .

The main cities include Bila Tserkva , Boryspil , Brovary and Fastiv . There are also historically significant places Perejaslav , Trypillja and Bilohorodka in the oblast . In the north of the oblast are the cities of Chornobyl and Prypiat , which were evacuated as a result of the nuclear power plant disaster . The northern areas of the oblast are partially radioactively contaminated.


The oblast was founded during the major territorial reform on February 27, 1932, before there had been several okrugs in the area since 1923 , these in turn were in the Kiev governorate until 1925 .


Major rivers in the oblast

The largest rivers are the Dnepr ( ukr. Dnipro Дніпро ), which is dammed within the oblast to the Kiev Sea and the Kaniv reservoir , the Desna ( ukr. Десна ), the Prypjat and the Ros .

The Ush and Teteriw flow into the Dnepr on the right, the Desna on the left. The Ros flows through the Cherkassy Oblast , where it also flows into the Dnieper.

The oblast borders in the west on the Zhytomyr Oblast , in the north on Belarus with the Homelskaya Woblasz and its Rajons Naroulja , Chojniki and Brahin , in the northeast on the Chernihiv Oblast , in the east on a short stretch on the Poltava Oblast , in the south on the Oblast Cherkassy and in the southwest to the Vinnytsia Oblast . The city of Slavutich forms an exclave of the Kiev Oblast, completely enclosed by the Chernihiv Oblast.


The climate in the region is characteristic of the Polissja and the forest steppe. It is moderately continental with relatively mild winters and warm summers. Temperatures range from −6.1 in January to 19.2 degrees in July.


Certainly extraordinary compared to the other oblasts is the large lake landscape with its dams and banks of the Dnieper.

On the right bank of the Dnieper there are smaller mountains and slopes. The entire area is surrounded by an unbroken belt of greenery and forest. The green area is 43,600 hectares. The green of the region is characterized by 250 different types of trees and shrubs, including the famous Kiev chestnut and poplar.

Biggest cities

city Ukrainian name Russian name Residents
January 1, 2017
Bila Tserkva Біла Церква Белая Церковь 207.745
Brovary Бровари Бровары 100,866
Boryspil Бориспіль Борисполь 60,619
Irpin Ірпінь Ирпень 50,434
Fastiw Фастів Фастов 46,879
Wyschnewe Вишневе Вишнёвое 39,540
Vasylkiv Васильків Васильков 37,332
Boyarka Боярка Боярка 35,459
Obukhiv Обухів Обухов 33,237

Administrative division

The Kiev Oblast is administratively divided into 25 Rajons and 13 cities directly under the Oblast administration. These are the cities of Berezan , Bila Tserkva , Boryspil , Brovary , Butscha , Vasylkiv , Irpin , Obukhiv , Pereyaslav , Pripyat , Rschyshchiv , Slavutych and Fastiv .

Kiev Oblast Rajons and their administrative centers

Map showing the Rajons of the Oblast
Districts of Kiev Oblast
German name Ukrainian name Administrative center
Baryjivka Raion Баришівський район
Baryschiwskyj rajon
(urban-type settlement)
Bila Tserkva district Білоцерківський район Bilotserkiwskyj
Bila Tserkva
Bohuslaw District Богуславський район
Bohuslavskyj rajon
Boryspil district Бориспільський район
Boryspilskyj rajon
Borodyanka district Бородянський район
Borodjanskyj rajon
(urban-type settlement)
Brovary Raion Броварський район
Browarskyj rajon
Fastiv Raion Фастівський район
Fastivskyj rajon
Ivankiv Raion Іванківський район
Ivankiwskyj rajon
(urban-type settlement)
Jahotyn district Яготинський район
Jahotynskyj rajon
Kaharlyk district Кагарлицький район
Kaharlyzkyj rajon
Kiev-Svyatozhyn district Києво-Святошинський район
Kyjewo-Svyatoschynskyj rajon
Makariv district Макарівський район
Makariwskyj rajon
(urban-type settlement)
Myronivka Raion Миронівський район
Myroniwskyj rajon
Obukhiv Raion Обухівський район
Obukhivskyj rajon
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi district Переяслав-Хмельницький район
Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi rajon
Poliske district Поліський район
Poliskyj rajon
(urban-type settlement)
Rokytne district Рокитнянський район
Rokytnjanskyj rajon
(urban-type settlement)
Shuriwka Raion Згурівський район
Shuriwskyj rajon
(urban-type settlement)
Skwyra district Сквирський район
Semeniwskyj rajon
Stavyshche Raion Ставищенський район Stavyschtschenskyj
(urban-type settlement)
Tarashcha district Таращанський район Tarashchanskyj
Tetiyiv Raion Тетіївський район
Tetijiwskyj rajon
Vasylkiv district Васильківський район Vasylkivskyj
Vyshhorod district Вишгородський район
Vyshhorodskyj rajon
Volodarka district Володарський район
Volodarskyj rajon
(urban-type settlement)


Number of inhabitants
year 1989 1990 1995 1998 2001 2005 2008 2012 2014
Residents 1,936,700 1,947,600 1,911,600 1,885,400 1,843,400 1,778,922 1,737,269 1,729,558 1,725,500
nationality Residents 1989 (%) 2001 (%) Change (%)
Ukrainians 1,684,800 89.4 92.5 −2.6%
Russians 109,300 8.7 6.0 −34.9%
Belarusians 8,600 0.6 0.5 −28.2%
Poland 2,800 0.3 0.2 −44.3%
native language 1989 (%) 2001 (%)
Ukrainian 88.4 92.3
Russian 10.9 7.2

See also

Web links

Commons : Kiev Oblast  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
 Wikinews: Kiev Oblast  - on the news

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Population on April 1, 2015