Nikolai Feodorovich Saikin

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Nikolai Fedorovich Saikin ( Russian Николай Фёдорович Заикин , scientific. Transliteration Nikolaj Zaikin Fedorovic ; born November 23 . Jul / 5. December  1801 greg. In the district Fatezh , Kursk , † July 23 jul. / 4. August  1833 greg. In Witim (Yakutia) was a Russian sub-lieutenant , poet and Decembrist .


Nikolai, son of the Fatesch landowner, Adelsmarschall Hofrat Fyodor Mikhailovich Saikin, attended three schools in Moscow until 1817 - those of Gabriel Delesalle, Ilya Vasilyevich Bordenaw and Vasily Stepanowitsch Krjaschew. After a two-year stay at home with his parents in Fatesch, he entered the Moscow Junk School on March 24, 1819, graduated as an ensign on April 14, 1821 and underwent topographical training in the army from 1822 to 1824 as a prospective officer . Second Lieutenant Nikolai Saikin graduated from the latter as a geodesist . Sometimes he wrote poetry.

Member of the Southern League of the Decembrists since 1824 , Nikolai Saikin was arrested in Tultschyn on January 14, 1826 and taken to the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg on January 22 . On January 31, the prisoner was brought back to Tultschyn in handcuffs. In this region, in Linzy near Brazlaw , on the site of one of the Bobrishchev-Pushkin's estates , he was supposed to show the place where, according to Pestel's buried documents, they had to dig .

Nikolai Saikin was exiled to Gischiginsk for life . On the way there the sentence was reduced to twenty years. In 1828 the exile arrived in Witim , the place where he died. The grave has not been preserved.

Nikolai Saikin's brother Fyodor, not a Decembrist who served as an ensign in Perm , knew where Pestel's papers were buried. Nikolai had four brothers (Alwin (* 1804), Pawel (* 1809), Alexander (* 1810) and Michail (* 1812)) and two sisters (Jelisaweta and Serafima).

Web links

  • Decembrists in Witim at (Russian, with a portrait)
  • Entry in Decembrists 1825 (Russian)
  • Entry at (Russian)
  • Entry in the administration of the Kursk region (Russian)

Individual evidence

  1. Russian ru: Курская губерния
  2. Russian ru: Надворный советник was a 7th rank civil servant
  3. Russian Фёдор Михайлович Заикин
  4. Russian Илья Васильевич Борденав (1781–1837)
  5. Russian ru: Кряжев, Василий Степанович
  6. Russian ru: Колонновожатый
  7. Linzy in Bulat Okudshawa : Poor Avrosimov . Volk & Welt, Berlin 1971, p. 257, 11. Zvu
  8. Брацлавль in Bulat Okudshawa: The poor Avrosimov , p. 232 at (Russian)
  9. Russian ru: Русская правда (Пестель) - The Russian truth . Author: Pestel
  10. Russian Фёдор Фёдорович Заикин (* 1809)
  11. Bulat Okudshawa: Poor Avrosimov . Volk & Welt, Berlin 1971, p. 283, 6th Zvu