Nicholas of Siegen

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Nikolaus von Siegen , also Nicolaus de Siegen , (* around 1450 in Siegen ; † November 14, 1495 in Erfurt ) was a Benedictine monk , historian and chronicler .


Nikolaus von Siegen entered the Erfurt Monastery of St. Peter in 1466 . In 1471 he was ordained a priest . In 1492 Nikolaus was to become prior of the Homburg an der Unstrut monastery . However, he turned down the choice and was therefore sent to Kleinreinsdorf . The former St. Martin's monastery was rebuilt there and inaugurated as a Carthusian monastery in 1480 . It was named "The House of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ in the St. Mertens Valley on the Pleiße ". However, he returned to Erfurt after a short time .

Around the year 1494 he wrote his main work Chronicon ecclesiasticum , in which the history of the Benedictine order in particular the Thuringian history with the relationship between Erfurt and Kurmainz was dealt with. Nikolaus von Siegen died of the plague in 1495 .


  • Chronicon Ecclesiasticum (Thuringian historical sources, 2), ed. by Franz Xaver von Wegele , Jena 1855. XVI, 510 p. Original brochure (539-4673A) ( digitized )


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