Obermühle (Räbke)

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Mill building of the upper mill

The Obermühle , also called Obere Papiermühle and, after their respective owners, also called Bertrams-Mühle and Nagels-Erben-Mühle , was an overshot watermill on the Schunter near Räbke in the Helmstedt district . The former mill building has been a listed building since 1993 . The Obermühle was a paper mill for a long time and later became a flour mill as the official meal mill for the nobles of Warberg . It was outside the village and was the first water mill after the Schunter spring.


Location of the mill on the Schunter, 1754

The mill was built at an unknown time by monks from the Helmstedt monastery of St. Ludgeri as a paper mill. Due to its location a few hundred meters below the source, it received pure spring water, which ensured good paper quality, with which good prices could be achieved. The mill had a water wheel 6 m in diameter.

According to tradition, "paper millers" sat at the mill in 1692, of whom Jürgen Canebley, named in 1694, was the first. In 1708 the mill building, which is still standing today, was rebuilt. According to an inventory from 1728, it was a tile-roofed house that was 16 links long and 9 links wide. Connect is a historical term for a compartment that measures about 2 meters.

The mill is shown on a map of Räbke and the surrounding area made as part of the Braunschweig General Land Survey of 1754. At the time, almost 570 people lived in the village's 84 residential buildings.

The new mill was built in 1708 by the widow Anna Marie Canebley from Räbker Mittelmühle . Since she did not have enough funds, the forester and bailiff Daniel Köhler advanced her money. After his death in 1711, his heirs claimed ownership of the Obermühle and leased it to the widow Anna Marie Canebley, who lived there. In 1728 the heirs sold the mill to the councilor and physician Dr. Heister from Helmstedt . After a complaint by the tenant Anna Marie Canebley, he had to buy the mill from her again in 1733 for 18,000 thalers .

In 1764 the upper mill came into the possession of the papermaker Johann Ernst Scharrschmidt, whose widow sold it to a paper manufacturer. When it was sold in 1865, the paper mill was converted into a grinding mill , which marked the end of the centuries-old tradition of paper production in Räbke. In 1909, according to the Räbker Erbenzinsregister, a Bertram became the owner.

According to the Räbker mill register from 1939, the mill belonged to Ida Nagel and was operated as a grinding and grist mill by her husband Konrad Nagel. The drive took place with the water wheel and an additional motor. For competitive reasons, the miller picked up the grist from customers in Räbke and Eitzum and delivered the flour. At the end of the 1930s, 100 tons of wheat and rye and an average of 3,000 quintals of meal were processed.

For reasons of age, the owners, the Nagel, leased the mill in 1952 to a displaced miller from Lower Silesia . Then the daily production amounted to two tons of flour; in addition, there was crushing. In addition to Räbke, Obermühle also supplied flour to customers in Frellstedt , Warberg , Schöningen and Sambleben . The transport was initially carried out by horse and cart and from 1957 on with a VW Bulli . In 1962 the company finally ceased operations. In 1965 the water wheel and the grinder were removed. The last sheep farm in Räbke was operated on the Mühlenhof from 1964 to 1972 and had up to 300 dams.

See also


  • Wilhelm Kleeberg: Räbke in: Niedersächsische Mühlengeschichte , Hanover, 1978, Schlütersche , p. 387
  • Förderverein Räbker Chronik: (Ed.): The upper paper mill in: Räbke. Ein Dorf am Elmesrand , Helmstedt, 2005, pp. 29–32

Web links

Commons : Obermühle (Räbke)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 11 '38.9 "  N , 10 ° 52' 5.5"  E