Yellow ocher leaf tensioner

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Yellow ocher leaf tensioner
Yellow ocher leaf tensioner (Camptogramma bilineata)

Yellow ocher leaf tensioner ( Camptogramma bilineata )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Spanner (Geometridae)
Subfamily : Larentiinae
Genre : Camptogramma
Type : Yellow ocher leaf tensioner
Scientific name
Camptogramma bilineata
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Yellow ocher leaf tensioner
Yellow ocher leaf tensioner

The yellow ocher leaf tensioner ( Camptogramma bilineata ), often also called wave tensioner , is a butterfly ( moth ) from the tensioner family (Geometridae). It is also known as the dandelion wrench or nettle wrench.


The wingspan is about 20 to 30 millimeters. The basic color of the fore and hind wings is yellow to ocher brown. Animals that are lightened gray-brown are also occasionally observed. Fore and hind wings are covered with brown or white serrated transverse lines. Usually there are three or four clear white cross lines that can be bordered by a black line. The continuous hemline is black and wavy. Due to the white and dark transverse lines, it cannot be confused with any other species.

The yellowish eggs are round, only slightly flattened at the pole. The surface shows a large meshwork. Warts sit on the crossing points.

The caterpillars are greenish to slightly brownish with clear segment incisions. The back line is darker than the body color. The sideline, on the other hand, is often lighter. The head is usually light brown and relatively small.

The doll is red-brown with a short cremaster consisting of two small bristles. The thoracic area and the wings have a brownish-greenish hue.

Way of life

The yellow ocher leaf tensioner flies in two generations from mid-May to mid-July and from mid-July to late September. The second generation can be partial in climatically unfavorable areas. The moths are diurnal, but also fly at dusk or at night and come to light. They suck on flowers. The food plants of the moths include:

The caterpillars feed on a wide variety of plants, such as B .:

The caterpillars overwinter. They pupate in the ground in spring.


The species shows no preferences for specific biotopes. It flies in the forest and open land, as well as in damp and dry places. However, a higher density of butterflies was found on weed-rich forest fringes. In the Alps it occurs up to an altitude of 1,600 meters. It is found frequently, but also in very different numbers from year to year.


The yellow ocher leaf tensioner is widespread from North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula across western and central Europe including the British Isles to the Altai in the east. In the north the distribution area extends to northern Fennoscandia , in the south to Malta . The south-west extension of the distribution area includes the western Mediterranean , the Balkan countries as well as Asia Minor , Northern Iran and Turkmenistan .



  • Arno Bergmann: The large butterflies of Central Germany. Volume 5/1: Spanner. Distribution, forms and communities. Urania-Verlag, Jena 1955, DNB 450378403 .
  • Günter Ebert, Daniel Bartsch, Stefan Hafner: The butterflies of Baden Württemberg Volume 8, Nachtfalter VI (Spanner (Geometridae) 1st part), Ulmer Verlag Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-800-13497-7 .
  • Walter Forster , Theodor A. Wohlfahrt : The butterflies of Central Europe. Volume 5: Spanner. (Geometridae). Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-440-04951-5 .
  • Manfred Koch , Wolfgang Heinicke: We identify butterflies. 3. Edition. Neumann, Radebeul 1991, ISBN 3-7402-0092-8 .

Web links

Commons : Ochergelber Blattspanner  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files