Odon Marie Arsène Razanakolona

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Odon Marie Arsène Razanakolona (born May 24, 1946 in Fianarantsoa ) is a Malagasy clergyman and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Antananarivo .


Odon Marie Arsène Razanakolona received on 28 December 1975, the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On November 28, 1998 appointed him Pope John Paul II. To the Bishop of Ambanja . The episcopal ordination took place on April 11, 1999. Razanakolona was on December 7, 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI. appointed Archbishop of Antananarivo.

Razanakolona was on September 23, 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. appointed member of the Second Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for Africa (October 4 to 25, 2009).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nomine nell'ambito della Seconda Assemblea Speciale per l'Africa del Sinodo dei Vescovi in: Holy See Press Office: Daily Bulletin of 23 September, 2009.
predecessor Office successor
Ferdinand Botsy OFMCap Bishop of Ambanja
Rosario Saro Vella SDS
Armand Gaétan Cardinal Razafindratandra Archbishop of Antananarivo
since 2005