Odontites maroccanus

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Odontites maroccanus
Euasterids I
Order : Mint family (Lamiales)
Family : Summer root family (Orobanchaceae)
Genre : Tooth Racks ( Odontites )
Type : Odontites maroccanus
Scientific name
Odontites maroccanus

Odontites maroccanus is a semi-parasitic plant species from the genus of the tooth rust ( Odontites ). It is only in Morocco occurring endemic .


Vegetative characteristics

Odontites maroccanus is an annual plant that lies flat on the ground and has a strongly branched base . Their stems reach lengths between 5 and 15 cm and are 1.1 mm thick at the base. Most of the time the stems themselves are unbranched, only rarely up to six pairs of side shoots are formed. They are densely haired with protruding, rigid trichomes that can grow up to 0.5 mm long. The leaves are linear and have entire margins, they are 7 to 18 mm long and 0.9 to 1.5 mm wide and are dense everywhere with bristly, white or above often transparent, 0.25 to 0.7 mm long, sloping hairs occupied.

Inflorescences and flowers

The compact and densely-flowered inflorescences consist of 12 to 22 flowers and reach a length of 1 to 2 cm at flowering time, and when the fruit ripens, they lengthen to 4.5 mm. The inhibition zone of non-blooming flowers consists of three to eight nodes . The bracts are ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate in shape, with entire margins and on the lower flowers of an inflorescence 5 to 7 (rarely up to 9) mm long and 1 to 1.5 (rarely up to 1.8) mm wide. Their hairiness resembles that of the leaves.

The flowering sequence within an inflorescence is from the lower flowers to the top. The flowers reach a length of 6.5 to 8 mm. The calyx is initially 3 to 4 mm long at the time of flowering, elongates slightly on the fruit and becomes up to 5 mm long. The sepals stand on two thirds, rarely only on about half of each other. The calyx lobes are triangular, the upper ones being slightly larger. The calyx is hairy with thick bristles, but has no stalk glands. The purple-red colored crown is covered with 0.07 to 0.17 mm long, simple hairs only in the uppermost part of the corolla tube and at the base of the lower lip, the stalk glands are completely absent. The corolla tube becomes 5 to 7 mm long and is therefore significantly longer than the calyx. The helmet is slightly edged and reaches a size of 3.5 to 4 mm and is significantly longer than the 2.4 to 3.1 mm long lower lip. The lower lip is divided into three lobes over at least half the length. The central lobe is almost rectangular in outline and only slightly broadened towards the top, clearly delineated at the tip. The narrower side lobes are just as long and also sanded out.

The lower, 3.5 to 4.5 mm long pair of stamens protrudes far from the crown, the upper is often partially enclosed in the helmet and becomes 2.5 to 3 mm long. The stamens are covered in the lower third with relatively large papillae . The anthers are purple-red in color, are 1.2 to 1.5 mm long and are at right angles to the stamens. The counters tear open over the entire length, at their lower end they are briefly spiky, at the upper end they are blunt and covered with spiral hair. The ventral side is covered with warty hairs up to 0.4 mm long. The pollen grains reach a size of about 27.5 × 32 μm. The ovary forms two compartments in a total of four ovules from, the stylus is up to 9 mm long.

Fruits and seeds

The fruits are inverted egg-shaped capsules , the tip of which is clearly delineated. They are 3 to 4 mm long and 1.9 to 2.3 mm in diameter. The seeds are 1.3 to 1.8 × 0.5 to 0.8 mm in size.


The species is endemic to the central Middle Atlas in Morocco , and according to one author, the species also occurs in the High Atlas . It grows at altitudes between 1600 and 2500 m on stony limestone pastures and lawns, on limestone rocks and in sparse cedar forests.


  • Markus Bolliger: Monograph of the genus Odontites (Scrophulariaceae) and the related genera Macrosyringion, Odontitella, Bornmuellerantha and Bartsiella . In: Willdenowia: Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem , Volume 26, 1996. pp. 37-168. (Online: Part 1 (PDF; 2.4 MB), Part 2 (PDF; 1.2 MB), Part 3 (PDF; 1.2 MB), Part 4 ; PDF; 2.1 MB)