Officer student

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Flag of NVA (East Germany) .svg
National People's Army,
officer student (1956–1990)
Rank group NCOs / Ensigns
NATO rank code OF-D (student)
Rank Army / Air Force Officer student
Marine rank Officer student of the VM
Abbreviation (in lists) OS
Officer students of the border troops of the GDR after the honor parade of the NVA on October 7, 1977 in Berlin

As cadets (OS or Offz. students ru: Курсант / cadet ) designated to students soldiers of the National People's Army or other armed organs of the GDR at one of the officers' colleges of the GDR (OHS) with the aim of training as an officer or a reserve officer . The address read: Comrade officer student . The officer students corresponded to the officer candidates of the Wehrmacht and the Bundeswehr .


Depending on the goal of the training or the desired rank and the intended position, the officer students were divided into career officer applicants (BOB) or reserve officer applicants (temporary officer, OaZ) who sought a civilian profession after completing their military service.

The training at the OHS was considered a military course. For career officers, four years of study were followed by an appointment as a lieutenant and 21 years of service. Temporary officers (OaZ) received a shortened training: after one year of study and the appointment as sub-lieutenant , two more years of service were served, from 1983 three more years of service. Usually at the end of this period of service was promoted to lieutenant.

With the decree of the State Council of the GDR of December 10, 1970, officer students of the various academic years NVA ranks were equated according to rank and salary as follows:


Prerequisites for access to the OHS were the general university entrance qualification and a passed admission procedure (study admission). However, under certain conditions, officers, sergeants and ensign students were able to take the partial Abitur on the second educational path, for example by taking part in the so-called special maturity course . The prerequisite for admission to such special courses was a long-term commitment after completing the course.

Training example

For the (first) academic year of an OaZ student with the training profile Mot.-Schützen -Kommandeur, around 1,400 hours of training on around 220 training days were planned during his (first) year at the OHS. By far the largest part of the officer training took up more than 400 hours of tactics training in the open field, forest or "sandpit". The next most important part was 250 hours of instruction in Marxism-Leninism , which even exceeded shooting training (240 hours), tank technology training (170 hours) or physical training (sports, 80 hours) and the actual basic training (80 hours).


The uniform corresponded to that of the professional soldiers. The peaked cap had the black lacquer chinstrap as with all sergeants or soldiers of equal rank. In addition, the brown leather belt with a double pin closure. The aluminum-colored NCO stresses on the collar ceased to exist in 1979. In addition, the standard equipment included a category 1 (K-1) and K-2 indoor service uniform, an initial uniform (with long trousers) / parade uniform (with boot trousers) and a summer / winter field service suit. The so-called double - breasted suit could be procured yourself and could be worn in place of the official uniform delivered.

Badge of rank

The Gothic S in the rank badge stood for schoolchildren or student, similar to the K in the shoulder piece of the former cadet school in Naumburg (Saale) or the K for student at the Soviet officers' schools.

  • without bar = officer pupil during training to obtain university entrance qualification, including partial or technical high school diploma
  • without bar = officer student in one-year vocational training
  • 1 bar = 1st year of study
  • 2 bars = 2nd year of study
  • 3 bars = 3rd year of study
  • 4 bars = 4th year of study
  • 5 bars = 5th year of study, only officer students studying at a Soviet officers college or studying medicine
  • 6 bars = 6th year of study, only officer students in medical studies e.g. B. at the Military Medical Section at the University of Greifswald

Housing in the turning autumn 1989

The officer students, especially the professional officer students, were considered to be particularly reliable by the communist regime; the SED share in the officer corps there was almost 99% (slightly lower for OaZ), three times higher than that of the teams and the corps of non-commissioned officers. Nevertheless, in the late autumn of 1989, circles formed within the officer's student body calling for democratic changes in the armed forces as well. A corresponding resolution was drawn up on November 9, 1989 by student officers in their third year of study at the officers' college of the land forces "Ernst Thälmann" .

The use of NVA officer students to reinforce the state security forces during the fall of the Wall (GDR) is still discussed today . The alert is well known, but the immediate use in demonstrations critical of the regime is doubtful. Photos show the deployment of second year OHS officers of the Suhl border troops in Berlin at Checkpoint Charlie in the days of the fall of the Berlin Wall: From November 9, 1989 and afterwards they helped with the processing of exit and entry formalities at the provisional border crossings .

Development after 1989/90

The end of the SED rule was not without consequences for the officers' pupils: The OaZ pupils, who were called up in 1989, were sworn in to the democratic transitional government on July 20, 1990 and appointed subordinates. The career officer students in the 1986/90 training classes were appointed lieutenants in August 1990 after completing their regular four-year training. However, the graduates were no longer regularly accepted into the Bundeswehr.

The remaining officer students of the NVA and Volksmarine were temporarily taken over into the Bundeswehr in October 1990 and led to a diploma until 1993 (the ensign students until 1992). A takeover in the officer career of the Bundeswehr also took place only in exceptional cases, but the qualifications obtained in technical (but not social science) subjects qualified the graduates for entry into civil professions.

The OHS of the Suhl border troops became the responsibility of the Federal Border Police (now the Federal Police ). 30 officer students completed the three-year training for the higher service and were accepted (initially on probation) into the commissioner career.

Other armed organs

Officer students of the other armed organs of the GDR wore badges of rank that were modeled on those of the NVA. For example, the Volkspolizei and Volkspolizei-standby also used the Gothic S on the epaulets and the characteristic year bar as a symbol for the relevant academic year.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. On November 9, 1989, officer students in their 3rd year of study at the NVA Land Forces officers' college wrote a resolution to democratize the NVA. Retrieved January 14, 2013 .
  2. Ralf Georg Reuth, Kai Diekmann (HG.): The longest night, the greatest day. Germany on November 9, 1989. Piper 2009, ISBN 9783492053365
  3. (PDF; 307 kB)
  4. Jürgen Ritter, Peter Joachim Lapp: The limit. Ein deutsches Bauwerk , 6th updated edition, Ch. Links Verlag 2007 (1997), ISBN 978-3-86153-465-5 , p. 143.