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Ohtrich († October 7, 981 in Benevento ) was a theologian , court chaplain , philosopher and scholar.


Nothing is known about Ohtrich's youth and origins. Ohtrich was a student of Archbishop Adalbert von Magdeburg at the Magdeburg Cathedral School at Magdeburg Cathedral . Ohtrich then took over the management of this school and led it to great fame and importance. Othrich's students included Wigbert von Merseburg , Adalbert von Prag , Bruno von Querfurt , Thietmar von Merseburg and the later Bremen cathedral scholaster Thiadhelm .

In 978 Ohtrich became court orchestra leader, joined Otto II's court orchestra and left Magdeburg .

In January 981 Ohtrich went to Ravenna to hold a disputation with the eminent theologian and scholar Gerbert von Aurillac and the Emperor Otto II. The disputation dealt with questions of the division of philosophy and the relationship between mathematics and physics . Adalbero von Reims and Adso von Montier-en-Der were also present . In the dispute, however, Ohtrich is said to have not been up to the future Pope Gerbert von Aurillac ( Silvester II ).

After the death of Archbishop Adalbert von Magdeburg , Ohtrich was elected as his successor by the cathedral chapter in the summer of 981. Adalbert had spoken out against this succession during his lifetime. Otto II did not agree to the election, however. The diocese of Merseburg should be dissolved, and he wanted the previous bishop of Merseburg , Giselher , as his successor, who then actually prevailed against Ohtrich.

Ohtrich died a short time later.

The city of Magdeburg named a street in his honor ( Othrichstraße ).
