Olearia paniculata

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Olearia paniculata
Olearia paniculata 11.jpg

Olearia paniculata

Family : Daisy family (Asteraceae)
Subfamily : Asteroideae
Tribe : Astereae
Sub tribus : Hinterhuberinae
Genre : Olearia
Type : Olearia paniculata
Scientific name
Olearia paniculata
( JRForst. & G.Forst. ) Druce

Olearia paniculata (common names are in English: Golden Akeake and in Māori : Akeake ) is a species of plant from the genus Olearia within the sunflower family (Asteraceae). It is based in New Zealand .


Olearia paniculata grows as an evergreen shrub or small tree that can reach heights of up to 6 meters and trunk diameters of 15 to 60 centimeters. The angular, grooved branches have a densely hairy bark. The alternate arranged on the branches leaves are stalked short. The leaf margins are clearly wavy. The underside of the leaf is covered with white hairs.

The fragrant, cream-colored, hermaphrodite flowers appear in March to May. The hairy, small fruits ripen in April to June contain a single seed. The number of chromosomes is 2n = approx. 288.

Occurrence, site conditions in culture and endangerment

Olearia paniculata is native to New Zealand on the North Island south of the 38th parallel and on the South Island south to Greymouth and Oamaru from the coastal lowlands to the subalpine zone.

Olearia paniculata thrives in moist, light to heavy, well-drained soils . It tolerates acidic, neutral and basic soils and can also grow on highly alkaline soil. However, it thrives best on light clay or peaty soil. It does not thrive in the shade. Olearia paniculata is very tolerant of locations close to the sea and can be used here as a windbreaker. It is only tolerant of light frost. In the UK , they have proven frost hardy in milder areas dominated by the maritime climate.

Olearia paniculata is classified as "not threatened".

Propagation in culture

Propagation takes place in moderate latitudes by sowing in a greenhouse in a slightly moist substrate or by propagating cuttings.


Synonyms for Olearia paniculata (JRForst. & G.Forst.) Druce are Shawia paniculata J.R.Forst. et G.Forst. , Eurybia forsteri Hook. f. , Olearia forsteri (Hook. F.) Hook.f. , Olearia paniculata (JRForst. Et G.Forst.) Druce var. Paniculata , Olearia paniculata var. Elliptica Kirk , Olearia paniculata var. Obtusa Kirk , Olearia paniculata var. Viscosa G. Simpson and Olearia uniflora Colenso .


  • Helga Neubauer: Akeake, Golden (Olearia paniculata) . In: The New Zealand Book . 1st edition. NZ Visitor Publications , Nelson 2003, ISBN 1-877339-00-8 , pp. 1149 .

Web links

Commons : Olearia paniculata  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Neubauer: Akeake, Golden (Olearia paniculata) . In: The New Zealand Book . 2003, p. 1149 .
  2. Olearia paniculata Druce . Tropicos, accessed October 10, 2017 .
  3. a b Olearia paniculata , Plants for A Future , accessed October 24, 2011
  4. a b Olearia paniculata . New Zealand Plant Conservation Network , accessed October 10, 2017 .