Red-lipped slimy fish

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Red-lipped slimy fish
Red-lipped slimy fish

Red-lipped slimy fish

Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Blennioidei (Blenniiformes)
Family : Slimy fish (Blenniidae)
Genre : Ophioblennius
Type : Red-lipped slimy fish
Scientific name
Ophioblennius atlanticus
( Valenciennes , 1836)

The red lips blenny ( Ophioblennius atlanticus ) is a maximum of 19 centimeters long expectant fish of the family of the blennies (Blenniidae).


This species of fish has a long, laterally flattened body. The blackish dorsal fin extends head down to the fan-shaped caudal fin. The anal fin extends from the anus to the caudal fin. The rounded pectoral fins are very short. The coloration of the fish ranges from a reddish brown to a black shade on the top of the body. The front part of the belly is white and becomes reddish towards the end of the tail. Above and below the lateral line organ there are irregularly thick black dots. The head is reddish gray and has many small black dots. The eyes are on top of the head. There is a thin, elongated white stripe behind the eye that runs all along the body. The mouth is below.

Distribution and way of life

The type inhabited seabed to depths of about 50 meters, namely those of the western Atlantic , from North Carolina , the Bermudas , the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean and south to the coast of Brazil and in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from the Canary Islands , along the African coast to Angola . She prefers rocky terrain or coral reefs . The red-lipped blimp feed on small invertebrates.


The female lays her eggs between rocks or coral sticks. The male of this species takes care of the brood by guarding the eggs. The juvenile form of this species can be found on the surface of the water in the open sea. As adults, their habitat is the seashore.

Hazards and protective measures

Since this species is still relatively widespread and no other threats are known, it is listed by the IUCN as ( Least Concern ) safe.


  • The great world empire of the animals Page: 566, 567 Publisher: Planet Media AG, Zug 1992 ISBN 3-8247-8614-1

Web links

Commons : Red Lipped Mucous Fish  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files