Order of Saint George and Saint Constantine

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Pectoral cross to the grand cross
Strap buckle

The Order of Saints George and Constantine ( Greek Βασιλικό και οικογενειακό τάγμα Αγίων Γεωργίου και Κωνσταντίνου Vasiliko ke ikogeniako tagma Agion Georgiou ke Konstantinou , "Royal and Family Order of Saint George and Constantine") was established in 1936 by King George II. Of Greece to In memory of the kings George I and Constantine I and donated out of deference to the Orthodox saints whose names these kings bore. The order is reserved for men and was awarded for exceptional services rendered to the royal family. The ruling monarch was the order's grand master . The counterpart for female order bearers is the order of Saints Olga and Saint Sophia .

Order classes

The order consists of six classes as well as an attached medal in three levels ( silver gilt , silver and bronze ).

All classes could also be awarded with crossed swords for military merit .

Order decoration

The medal is a red-rimmed, white enameled high paw cross made of gold that hangs on a crown . The crowned and mirrored initial (Georg) in the cross corners . On the cross lies a medallion showing a portrait of the Orthodox Saints Helena and Constantius on a gold background with a blue cross in the background. The medallion is surrounded by a golden circlet and alternately three lions and nine hearts are depicted as an indication of the Danish origin of the Greek royal family. The medal for knights is made of silver. Γ

The round medal shows the bust of George II turned to the right with the inscription ГЕΩΡΓΙΟΥ Β ′ ΒΑΣΙΑΕΥΣ ТΩΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ 1936 (George II, King of the Hellenes 1936). Crossed swords were added to the ribbon for military merit.

Carrying method

The golden collar alternately shows the mirrored and crowned Greek letter Γ(Georg) and a crowned one Κ(Constantine) and a lion with three hearts. An enlarged medal was worn as a pectoral cross with the collar. The medallion of this cross bears the inscription ΙΣΧΥΣ ΜΟΥ Η ΑΓΑΠΗ ΤΟΥ ΛΑΟΥ (The love of the people my strength).

The grand cross was carried on a sash from the right shoulder to the left hip and with an eight-pointed breast star on which the order symbol rests, which is surmounted by a crown.

The 1st class of the commander's cross was worn as a neck medal and with a breast star in the form of a Maltese cross with filled cross angles. Second class commanders decorated the award around the neck, officers and knights on the ribbon on the left side of the chest.

The ribbon is dark blue with alternating red and white horizontal stripes along the edges.


The insignia must be returned after the owner's death.


  • Paul Ohm Hieronymussen: Handbook of European Orders in Color. Universitas Verlag, Berlin 1975, ISBN 3-8004-0948-8 .
  • Arnhard Graf Klenau: European Order from 1700. Klenau, Rosenheim 1978, ISBN 3-921566-05-3 .

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