Oskar Hüssy

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Oskar Hüssy (born August 4, 1903 in Säckingen ; † March 4, 1964 there ) was a German lawyer and politician ( NSDAP ). He was Lord Mayor of Karlsruhe from 1938 to 1945 .


Hüssy was born in Säckingen in 1903 as the son of a factory owner. After school, he completed a law degree in Switzerland and Munich , which he completed in 1928 with a doctorate in Basel . From 1929 to 1935 he worked as a manager in the cotton weaving his father in Murg .

In 1923, Hüssy was one of the founding members of the local NSDAP group in Säckingen. In the same year he took part in the Hitler putsch in Munich. He became a circle and Gau speaker and was a member of the SA , in which he last held the rank of standard leader . On October 1, 1938, he became Lord Mayor of Karlsruhe. In 1942 he was also appointed Gauamtsleiter for local politics in Baden and an honorary senator of the TH Karlsruhe . In 1944 he became NSDAP chief section leader. After the end of the Second World War he was interned until 1948 . During the denazification in 1949 he was classified as a “minor offender”. He then worked again in the textile industry until his death.


  • Ernst Klee : The Personal Lexicon for the Third Reich - Who Was What Before and After 1945. Frankfurt am Main, 2nd edition: June 2007, p. 274.
predecessor Office successor
Friedrich Jäger Lord Mayor of Karlsruhe
Josef Heinrich