Oskar Hammelsbeck

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Oskar Hammelsbeck (born May 22, 1899 in Elberfeld (today in Wuppertal ), † May 14, 1975 in Detmold ) was a German educator .

After he founded the Volkshochschule Saarbrücken in 1926, he got involved in the work of the Hohenrodter Bund . Hammelsbeck was a member of the leadership of the Confessing Church in Berlin from 1938 to 1944 ; from 1946 to 1959 he was director of the Pädagogische Akademie Wuppertal and there from 1947 professor of educational sciences, then chairman of the working group of educational universities. In 1962 he took over a professorship at the Pedagogical University in Hagen . From 1946 to 1971 (and thus well beyond his retirement) Hammelsbeck was a part-time lecturer in catechetics and pedagogy at the Wuppertal Church University .

Hammelsbeck tried to rethink pedagogical and related psychological and social-scientific questions on the basis of dialectical theology and to intensify the cooperation between Protestant theology, church and school. He took the missionary idea particularly seriously: salvation had to be proclaimed, people had to be baptized and they had to be enabled to live evangelically throughout. For him, religious instruction is derived from this. Helmuth Kittel recorded this in 1947.

Major works

  • Church teaching. (1939)
  • Evangelical church work for men today. "Der Rufer" Evangelischer Verlag, Gütersloh 1947.
  • Evangelical doctrine of education. (1950)
  • Faith World Education. (1955)
  • Primary school in evangelical responsibility. (1962)
  • How is education still possible? (1975)


  • Hermann Horn u. Helmuth Kittel (ed.): The faith of the community and the mature world. Oskar Hammelsbeck on his 70th birthday. (= Contributions to Protestant theology. Volume 52.) Chr. Kaiser Verlag, Munich 1969.
  • Gottfried Adam : Oskar Hammelsbeck (1899–1975) . In: Henning Schröer , Dietrich Zilleßen (Hrsg.): Classics of religious education . Frankfurt / M. 1989, ISBN 3-425-07711-2 , pp. 236ff.
  • Hermann Horn (Ed.): Church and School in Hitler's Dictatorship and Democracy: reflected in the correspondence between Oskar Hammelsbeck and Helmuth Kittel (1932–1974) . Lang, Frankfurt, M. u. a. 2007.
  • Christina Kalloch , Stephan Leimgruber , Ulrich Schwab u. a. (Ed.): Textbook of didactics of religion. For study and practice from an ecumenical perspective. 3rd, revised. Ed. Herder, Freiburg / Basel / Wien 2014, ISBN 978-3-451-31204-5 , pp. 84 f., Urn : nbn: de: 101: 1-201610151884 ( preview in Google book search).

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