Oskar Hoffmann (painter)

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Oskar Hoffmann , photo by Theodor John, Dorpat, 19th century
Oskar Hoffmann's studio in Düsseldorf , around 1882 , painting, 19th century
Approaching thunderstorm , around 1894
Road to Reval , around 1900

Oskar Georg Adolf Hoffmann , also Oscar Georg Adolfowitsch Hoffmann (born January 24 . Jul / 5. February  1851 . Greg in Dorpat , Russian Empire ; † 3. March 1912 in Novaya Derevnya in Saint Petersburg , Russian Empire) was a Russian - German - Baltic painter of the Düsseldorf School .


Hoffmann studied from 1871 to 1878 at the Düsseldorf Art Academy with Andreas Müller , Karl Müller , Eduard Gebhardt and Eugen Dücker . In addition to these teachers, he received impulses from Gregor von Bochmann , also a German-Balte, who, thanks to a scholarship from the Revaler Schiller Foundation, was able to begin studying painting at the Düsseldorf Academy in 1868. In the years 1882/83 Hoffmann was registered as a member of the artists' association Malkasten and lived at Gartenstrasse 55. From 1882 Hoffmann worked in Saint Petersburg and in 1884 became a free member of the Russian Imperial Art Academy . His pictures were shown in Düsseldorf, Riga, Saint Petersburg and Vienna, in 1879 in the Munich Glass Palace , in 1886 in the Berlin Academy Exhibition and in 1894 in the Great Berlin Art Exhibition . In 1913, the Riga City Museum held an estate exhibition.

Work (selection)

In addition to portraits, Hoffmann's work is primarily characterized by Estonian landscape motifs , which were developed based on the techniques of the Hague School . They show country life unadorned, often in earthy colors, in hazy light, often with spacious landscapes below a low horizon line. Hoffmann also created a series of etchings , which u. a. were shown at the Vienna Graphic Exhibition in 1886.

  • Approaching storm (Palgivedu. Maastik äistesega) , around 1894
  • Early Spring in Estonia , 1894–1899
  • Road to Reval , around 1900
  • Old fish market in Reval


Web links

Commons : Oskar Georg Adolf Hoffmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bettina Baumgärtel , Sabine Schroyen, Lydia Immerheiser, Sabine Teichgröb: Directory of foreign artists. Nationality, residence and studies in Düsseldorf. In: Bettina Baumgärtel (Hrsg.): The Düsseldorf School of Painting and its international impact 1819–1918. Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-86568-702-9 , Volume 1, p. 432.
  2. ^ Hoffmann, Oskar, painter, Gartenstr. 55. In: Address book of the Lord Mayor's Office Düsseldorf for 1882. P. 74.
  3. Hoffmann (Russian Гофманъ), Oskar Adolfowitsch . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General lexicon of fine artists from antiquity to the present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker . tape 17 : Heubel – Hubard . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1924, p. 279 .
  4. ^ Kathrin DuBois: Oskar Hoffmann , catalog number 383: Early Spring in Estonia. In: Bettina Baumgärtel (Hrsg.): The Düsseldorf School of Painting and its international impact 1819–1918. Michael Imhof Verlag, Petersberg 2010, ISBN 978-3-86568-702-9 , Volume 2, p. 447.